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222. Jeong Hun Park, Sungbo Shim, Yongbin Cho, Young-Hun Ji, Dong Hyeon Shin, Niranjanmurthi Lingappan,Guk-Hwan Lee, Wonoh Lee*, "Development of Ni2Fe2O5 nanoplate arrays as high-performance binder-free electrochemical catalysts for water splitting", The Korean Society of Composite Materials 2024 Fall Conference, BPEX, Pusan, South Korea, Nov 13-15, 2024. pp. 368.

박정훈, 심성보, 조용빈, 지영훈, 신동현, Niranjanmurthi Lingappan, 이국환, 이원오, "Development of Ni2Fe2O5 nanoplate arrays as high-performance binder-free electrochemical catalysts for water splitting", 2024년도 한국복합재료학회 추계학술대회 논문집, 2024/11/13-15. pp. 368.

221. Guk Hwan Lee, Niranjanmurthi Lingappan, Wonoh Lee*, "Preparation of Nickel Manganese Chromium Oxyhydroxide for Efficient Oxygen Evolution Reaction", The Korean Society of Composite Materials 2024 Fall Conference, BPEX, Pusan, South Korea, Nov 13-15, 2024. pp. 370.

이국환, Niranjanmurthi Lingappan, 이원오, "Preparation of Nickel Manganese Chromium Oxyhydroxide for Efficient Oxygen Evolution Reaction", 2024년도 한국복합재료학회 추계학술대회 논문집, 2024/11/13-15. pp. 370.

220. Sungmook Lim, Niranjanmurthi Lingappan, Wonoh Lee*, "The Catalytic Properties of Cobalt Manganese Oxyhydroxide Synthesized in a 2D Nano-sheet Form for Oxygen Evolution Reaction", The Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers - Reliability Engineering Division 2024 Spring Conference, Yeosu, Jeonnam, South Korea, Mar 20-22, 2024. pp. 156.

임성묵, Niranjanmurthi Lingappan, 이원오, "산소발생반응을 위한 2D 나노시트 형태로 합성된 코발트 망간 옥시하이드록사이드의 촉매특성", 2024년도 대한기계학회 신뢰성부문 춘계학술대회 논문집, 2024/03/20-22. pp. 156.

219. Guk Hwan Lee, Niranjanmurthi Lingappan, Wonoh Lee*, "Improving electrochemical property of Nickel Manganese Oxyhydroxide for Oxygen Evolution Reaction", The Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers - Reliability Engineering Division 2024 Spring Conference, Yeosu, Jeonnam, South Korea, Mar 20-22, 2024. pp. 155.
이국환, Niranjanmurthi Lingappan, 이원오, "산소발생반응 향상을 위한 니켈망간 산화수산화물의 전기화학적 특성 개선", 2024년도 대한기계학회 신뢰성부문 춘계학술대회 논문집, 2024/03/20-22. pp. 155.

218. In Ho Lee, Niranjanmurthi Lingappan, Sungmoook Lim, Sinhyeok Kang, Minus Choi, Wonoh Lee*, "Enhancing Lithium-Ion Battery Anodes : Synthesizing MoS2-rGO Composite for Improved Performance", The Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers - Reliability Engineering Division 2024 Spring Conference, Yeosu, Jeonnam, South Korea, Mar 20-22, 2024. pp. 154.

이인호, Niranjanmurthi Lingappan, 임성묵, 강신혁, 최민선, 이원오, "성능 향상을 위한 리튬이온 배터리 음극 제조 : MoS2/rGO 합성", 2024년도 대한기계학회 신뢰성부문 춘계학술대회 논문집, 2024/03/20-22. pp. 154.

217. Jeong Hun Park, Niranjanmurthi Lingappan, Guk-Hwan Lee, Sungbo Shim, Wonoh Lee*, "Development of Ni-Fe based electrochemical catalyst for improving efficiency of water splitting", The Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers - Reliability Engineering Division 2024 Spring Conference, Yeosu, Jeonnam, South Korea, Mar 20-22, 2024. pp. 153.

박정훈, Niranjanmurthi Lingappan, 이국환, 심성보, 이원오, "수전해의 효율성을 증가시키는 니켈-철 기반 전기화학 촉매 개발", 2024년도 대한기계학회 신뢰성부문 춘계학술대회 논문집, 2024/03/20-22. pp. 153.


216. Sungmook LimWonoh Lee*, "Fractal-shaped Graphene Electrode for Supercapacitors via Modified Exfoliation", 2023 CNU Tech & G-Fair, Gwangju, South Korea, Nov 14-16, 2023

임성묵, 이원오, "Fractal-shaped Graphene Electrode for Supercapacitors via Modified Exfoliation", 2023년 전남대학교 용봉학술제 Tech & G-Fair, 2023/11/14-16.

215. Guk Hwan Lee, Wonoh Lee*, "Fabrication of Polymer 3D Nanostructures with Excellent Mechanical/Insulating Performance", 2023 CNU Tech & G-Fair, Gwangju, South Korea, Nov 14-16, 2023.
이국환, 이원오, "기계적/단열적 성능이 뛰어난 폴리머 3차원 나노구조체 제작", 2023년 전남대학교 용봉학술제 Tech & G-Fair, 2023/11/14-16.

214Sungmook Lim, Niranjanmurthi Lingappan, Sinhyeok Kang, Wonoh Lee*, "Enhancing Catalytic Properties via Nanosheet Formulated Cobalt Manganese Oxyhydroxide for Oxygen Evolution Reaction", The Korean Society for Composite Materials 2023 Fall Conference, Geoje, South Korea, Nov 08-10, 2023. pp. 330.

임성묵, Niranjanmurthi Lingappan, 강신혁, 이원오, "Enhancing Catalytic Properties via Nanosheet Formulated Cobalt Manganese Oxyhydroxide for Oxygen Evolution Reaction", 2023년도 한국복합재료학회 추계학술대회 논문집, 2023/11/08-10. pp. 330.

213. Guk Hwan Lee, Niranjanmurthi Lingappan, In Ho Lee, Minsun Choi, Wonoh Lee*, "Electrochemically Enhanced Nickel Manganese Oxyhydroxide for the Oxygen Evolution Reaction", The Korean Society for Composite Materials 2023 Fall Conference, Geoje, South Korea, Nov 08-10, 2023. pp. 328.

이국환, Niranjanmurthi Lingappan, 이인호, 최민선, 이원오, "Electrochemically Enhanced Nickel Manganese Oxyhydroxide for the Oxygen Evolution Reaction", 2023년도 한국복합재료학회 추계학술대회 논문집, 2023/11/08-10. pp. 328.

212. ​Ga Young Ryu, Jeong Gwon Lee, Wonoh Lee*, Sung Hwan Yoo, "Comparison of Tensile Properties of 3D Printer Composite Materials Based on Heat Treatment", The Korean Society for Composite Materials 2023 Fall Conference, Geoje, South Korea, Nov 08-10, 2023. pp. 139.

류가영, 이정권, 이원오, 유성환, "열처리에 따른 3D 프린터 복합재료의 인장 특성 비교", 2023년도 한국복합재료학회 추계학술대회 논문집, 2023/11/08-10. pp. 139.

211Sungmook Lim, Niranjanmurthi Lingappan, Wonoh Lee*, "Cobalt Manganese Oxyhydroxide Nanosheets Catalyst for Oxygen Evolution Reaction", The Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers 2023 Annual Meeting, Incheon, South Korea, Nov 01-04, 2023. pp. 2074.

임성묵, Niranjanmurthi Lingappan, 이원오, "Cobalt Manganese Oxyhydroxide Nanosheets Catalyst for Oxygen Evolution Reaction", 대한기계학회 2023년 학술대회 논문집, 2023/11/01-04. pp. 2074.

210. Nitai Chandra Adak, Wonoh Lee*, "Numerical Transient Analysis of Thermo-aqueous Coupling Behaviour of a 4D Printed Thermoresponsive Hydrogel Actuator", The Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers 2023 Annual Meeting, Incheon, South Korea, Nov 01-04, 2023. pp. 1438.

Nitai Chandra Adak, 이원오, "Numerical Transient Analysis of Thermo-aqueous Coupling Behaviour of a 4D Printed Thermoresponsive Hydrogel Actuator", 대한기계학회 2023년 학술대회 논문집, 2023/11/01-04. pp. 1438.

209Sungmook Lim, Wonoh Lee*, "High-reliability Supercapacitor Electrode using Fractal-shaped Graphene Fabricated through Modified Electrochemical Exfoliation", The Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers - Reliability Engineering Division 2023 Spring Conference, Jeju, South Korea, Mar 22-24, 2023. pp. 11.

임성묵, 이원오, "개선된 전기화학 박리법을 통해 제조한 프랙탈 형상 그래핀을 이용한 고신뢰성 슈퍼커패시터 전극", 2023년도 대한기계학회 신뢰성부문 춘계학술대회 논문집, 2023/03/22-24. pp. 11.

208. Guk Hwan Lee, Wonoh Lee*, "Improving Mechanical Strength and Thermal Insulation of Three-dimensional Aramid Nanostructures by Covalent Crosslinking", The Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers - Reliability Engineering Division 2023 Spring Conference, Jeju, South Korea, Mar 22-24, 2023. pp. 10.

이국환, 이원오, "공유 크로스링킹을 이용한 3 차원 아라미드 나노구조체의 기계적 강도와 단열 특성 향상", 2023년도 대한기계학회 신뢰성부문 춘계학술대회 논문집, 2023/03/22-24. pp. 10.

207Sungmook Lim, Wonoh Lee*, "Supercapacitor Electrode using Fractal-shaped Graphene Sheets with High Edge-to-area Ratio via Biasedly-switched Direct Current Technique", The Society of Adhesion and Interface, Korea 2023 Annual Spring Meeting, Jeju, South Korea, Mar 22-24, 2023. pp. 47-49.

임성묵, 이원오, "Supercapacitor Electrode using Fractal-shaped Graphene Sheets with High Edge-to-area Ratio via Biasedly-switched Direct Current Technique",한국 접착및계면학회 2023 춘계학술회의 연구초록논문집, 2023/03/22-24. pp. 47-49.

206. Guk Hwan Lee, Wonoh Lee*, "Mechanical Property of Aramid 3D Nanostructures using Novel Covalent Bonding", The Society of Adhesion and Interface, Korea 2023 Annual Spring Meeting, Jeju, South Korea, Mar 22-24, 2023. pp. 68-69.

이국환, 이원오, "Mechanical Property of Aramid 3D Nanostructures using Novel Covalent Bonding", 한국접착및계면학회 2023 춘계학술회의 연구초록논문집, 2023/03/22-24. pp. 68-69.


205Nitai Chandra Adak, Wonoh Lee*, "Mechanical Properties of Thermally Reduced Graphene Oxide Reinforced Natural Rubber Composite", The Korean Carbon Society 2022 Fall Conference, Gyeongju, South Korea, Nov 24-25, 2022. pp. 237.

Nitai Chandra Adak, 이원오, "Mechanical Properties of Thermally Reduced Graphene Oxide Reinforced Natural Rubber Composite", 2022년도 한국탄소학회 추계학술대회 논문집, 2022/11/24-25. pp. 237.

204. Niranjanmurthi Lingappan, Wonoh Lee*, "Bi-functional Binder-free Electrocatalyst for Hydrogen Evolution/Oxygen Evolution Reactions", The Korean Carbon Society 2022 Fall Conference, Gyeongju, South Korea, Nov 24-25, 2022. pp. 143.

Niranjanmurthi Lingappan, 이원오, "Bi-functional Binder-free Electrocatalyst for Hydrogen Evolution/Oxygen Evolution Reactions", 2022년도 한국탄소학회 추계학술대회 논문집, 2022/11/24-25. pp. 143.

203. Fahim Sharia, Nitai Chandra Adak, Wonoh Lee*, "Cure Kinetics Study of Ionic Liquid Incorporated Aramid Nanofiber/Epoxy Composite by Isothermal Differential Scanning Calorimetry", The Korean Carbon Society 2022 Fall Conference, Gyeongju, South Korea, Nov 24-25, 2022. pp. 223.

Fahim Sharia, Nitai Chandra Adak, 이원오, "Cure Kinetics Study of Ionic Liquid Incorporated Aramid Nanofiber/Epoxy Composite by Isothermal Differential Scanning Calorimetry", 2022년도 한국탄소학회 추계학술대회 논문집, 2022/11/24-25. pp. 223.

202. Sungmook LimWonoh Lee*, "Modified Electrochemical Exfoliation based Fractal-shaped Graphene for Supercapacitor Electrode", The Korean Carbon Society 2022 Fall Conference, Gyeongju, South Korea, Nov 24-25, 2022. pp. 184.

임성묵, 이원오, "Modified Electrochemical Exfoliation based Fractal-shaped Graphene for Supercapacitor Electrode", 2022년도 한국탄소학회 추계학술대회 논문집, 2022/11/24-25. pp. 184.

201. Guk Hwan Lee, Wonoh Lee*, "Preparation of Aramid Nanostructure by Cross-linking for Thermal Insulation", The Korean Carbon Society 2022 Fall Conference, Gyeongju, South Korea, Nov 24-25, 2022. pp. 100.
이국환, 이원오, "Preparation of Aramid Nanostructure by Cross-linking for Thermal Insulation", 2022년도 한국탄소학회 추계학술대회 논문집, 2022/11/24-25
. pp. 100.

200. Wonoh Lee*, "Interface engineering for structural and functional composites using catecholamines and nanocarbons", The Society of Adhesion and Interface, Korea 2022 Annual Fall Symposium, Ansan, South Korea, Nov 17-18, 2022. pp. 8-9.
이원오, "Interface e
ngineering for structural and functional composites using catecholamines and nanocarbons", 한국접착및계면학회 2022년 추계심포지움학술대회 논문집, 2022/11/17-18. pp. 8-9.

<Invited Talk>

199. Nitai Chandra AdakWonoh Lee*, "Rheological Behavior of Surface Modified Graphene Oxides Incorporated Epoxy Composite Suspensions", The Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers 2022 Annual Meeting, Jeju, South Korea, Nov 09-12, 2022. pp. 625.

Nitai Chandra Adak, 이원오, "Rheological Behavior of Surface Modified Graphene Oxides Incorporated Epoxy Composite Suspensions", 대한기계학회 2022년 학술대회 논문집, 2022/11/09-12. pp. 625.

198. Fahim ShariaWonoh Lee*, "Investigating the Conducting and Mechanical Properties of Ionic Liquid Incorporated Aramid Nanofiber/Epoxy Composite", The Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers 2022 Annual Meeting, Jeju, South Korea, Nov 09-12, 2022. pp. 2325.

Fahim Sharia, 이원오, "Investigating the Conducting and Mechanical Properties of Ionic Liquid Incorporated Aramid Nanofiber/Epoxy Composite", 대한기계학회 2022년 학술대회 논문집, 2022/11/09-12. pp. 2325.

197. Niranjanmurthi Lingappan, Wonoh Lee*, "Bi-functional Binder-free Electrocatalyst for Hydrogen Evolution/Oxygen Evolution Reactions", The Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers 2022 Annual Meeting, Jeju, South Korea, Nov 09-12, 2022. pp. 617.
Niranjanmurthi Lingappan, 이원오, "Bi-functional Binder-free Electrocatalyst for Hydrogen Evolution/Oxygen Evolution Reactions", 대한기계학회 2022년 학술대회 논문집, 2022/11/09-12. pp. 617.

196. Sungmook LimWonoh Lee*, "Electrochemically Exfoliated Fractal-Shaped Graphene Electrode for Supercapacitors", The Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers 2022 Annual Meeting, Jeju, South Korea, Nov 09-12, 2022. pp. 624.

임성묵, 이원오, "Electrochemically Exfoliated Fractal-Shaped Graphene Electrode for Supercapacitors", 대한기계학회 2022년 학술대회 논문집, 2022/11/09-12. pp. 624.

195. Guk Hwan Lee, Wonoh Lee*, "Fabrication of Three-dimensional Aramid Nanostructures assisted through Covalent Bonding", The Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers 2022 Annual Meeting, Jeju, South Korea, Nov 09-12, 2022. pp. 618.
이국환, 이원오, "Fabrication of Three-dimensional Aramid Nanostructures assisted through Covalent Bonding", 대한기계학회 2022년 학술대회 논문집, 2022/11/09-12. pp. 618.

194Nitai Chandra Adak, Wonoh Lee*, "Investigation on Tension-Tension Fatigue of Graphene Oxide/ Basalt Fiber/Epoxy Hybrid Laminates", The Korean Society for Composite Materials 2022 Fall Conference, Changwon, South Korea, Nov 02-04, 2022. pp. 39.

Nitai Chandra Adak, 이원오, "Investigation on Tension-Tension Fatigue of Graphene Oxide/ Basalt Fiber/Epoxy Hybrid Laminates", 2022년도 한국복합재료학회 추계학술대회 논문집, 2022/11/02-04. pp. 39.

193. Niranjanmurthi Lingappan, Wonoh Lee*, "Bi-functional Binder-free Electrocatalyst for Hydrogen/Oxygen Evolution Reactions", The Korean Society for Composite Materials 2022 Fall Conference, Changwon, South Korea, Nov 02-04, 2022. pp. 41.

Niranjanmurthi Lingappan, 이원오, "Bi-functional Binder-free Electrocatalyst for Hydrogen/Oxygen Evolution Reactions", 2022년도 한국복합재료학회 추계학술대회 논문집, 2022/11/02-04. pp. 41.

192. Fahim Sharia, Nitai Chandra Adak, Wonoh Lee*, "Cure Kinetics Study of Aramid Nanofiber Incorporated Epoxy Composite by Dynamic Differential Scanning Analysis", The Korean Society for Composite Materials 2022 Fall Conference, Changwon, South Korea, Nov 02-04, 2022. pp. 154.

Fahim Sharia, Nitai Chandra Adak, 이원오, "Cure Kinetics Study of Aramid Nanofiber Incorporated Epoxy Composite by Dynamic Differential Scanning Analysis", 2022년도 한국복합재료학회 추계학술대회 논문집, 2022/11/02-04. pp. 154.

191. Sungmook LimWonoh Lee*, "Electrochemical Exfoliation-assisted Synthesis of Fractal-shaped Graphene for Supercapacitor Electrodes", The Korean Society for Composite Materials 2022 Fall Conference, Changwon, South Korea, Nov 02-04, 2022. pp. 153.

임성묵, 이원오, "Electrochemical Exfoliation-assisted Synthesis of Fractal-shaped Graphene for Supercapacitor Electrodes", 2022년도 한국복합재료학회 추계학술대회 논문집, 2022/11/02-04. pp. 153.

190. Guk Hwan Lee, Wonoh Lee*, "Mechanically Strong Three-Dimensional Nanostructures of Aramid Nanofibers through Crosslinking", The Korean Society for Composite Materials 2022 Fall Conference, Changwon, South Korea, Nov 02-04, 2022. pp. 155.
이국환, 이원오, "Mechanically Strong Three-Dimensional Nanostructures of Aramid Nanofibers through Crosslinking", 2022년도 한국복합재료학회 추계학술대회 논문집, 2022/11/02
-04. pp. 155.

189. Sungmook LimWonoh Lee*, "Modified Electrochemical Exfoliation Approach for Abundant Edge Graphene Sheets", 2022 CECNU Engineering Symposium, Gwangju, South Korea, Jun 08, 2022. pp. 100.

임성묵, 이원오, "전기화학 박리법의 개선을 통한 프랙탈 형상 그래핀 박리", 2022년 전남대학교 공과대학 공학심포지엄, 2022/06/08. pp. 100

188. Guk Hwan Lee, Wonoh Lee*, "Characterization of Aramid Nanostructure by Self-assembly", 2022 CECNU Engineering Symposium, Gwangju, South Korea, Jun 08, 2022. pp. 101.
이국환, 이원오, "자가조립으로 제작된 아라미드 나노구조체의 특성 평가", 2022년 전남대학교 공과대학 공학심포지엄, 2022/06/08
. pp. 101.

187Nitai Chandra Adak, Wonoh Lee*, "Measurement of Mode I fracture deformation of filament wounded carbon fiber/epoxy composites by using conventional strain indicator", The Korean Society for Composite Materials 2022 Spring Conference, Jeju, South Korea, May 18-20, 2022. pp. 84.

Nitai Chandra Adak, 이원오, "Measurement of Mode I fracture deformation of filament wounded carbon fiber/epoxy composites by using conventional strain indicator", 2022년도 한국복합재료학회 춘계학술대회 논문집, 2022/05/18-20. pp. 84.

186. Subburaj Thiruvengadam, Niranjanmurthi Lingappan, Wonoh Lee*, "Cu/CuxV2O5 nanoribbon as a bi-functional electrode for Li-ion batteries", The Korean Society for Composite Materials 2022 Spring Conference, Jeju, South Korea, May 18-20, 2022. pp. 85.

Subburaj Thiruvengadam, Niranjanmurthi Lingappan, 이원오, "Cu/CuxV2O5 nanoribbon as a bi-functional electrode for Li-ion batteries", 2022년도 한국복합재료학회 춘계학술대회 논문집, 2022/05/18-20. pp. 85.

185Niranjanmurthi Lingappan, Wonoh Lee*, "Strongly coupled binder-free electrocatalysts for water splitting", The Korean Society for Composite Materials 2022 Spring Conference, Jeju, South Korea, May 18-20, 2022. pp. 86.

Niranjanmurthi Lingappan, 이원오, "Strongly coupled binder-free electrocatalysts for water splitting", 2022년도 한국복합재료학회 춘계학술대회 논문집, 2022/05/18-20. pp. 86.

184. Fahim Sharia, Guk Hwan Lee, Niranjanmurthi Lingappan, Wonoh Lee*, "Aramid Nanofiber Incorporated Epoxy Matrix as Solid Polymer Electrolyte", The Korean Society for Composite Materials 2022 Spring Conference, Jeju, South Korea, May 18-20, 2022. pp. 128.

Fahim Sharia, 이국환, Niranjanmurthi Lingappan, 이원오, "Aramid Nanofiber Incorporated Epoxy Matrix as Solid Polymer Electrolyte", 2022년도 한국복합재료학회 춘계학술대회 논문집, 2022/05/18-20. pp. 128.

183. Sungmook LimWonoh Lee*, "Edge-rich Graphene via Modified Electrochemical Exfoliation Approach", The Korean Society for Composite Materials 2022 Spring Conference, Jeju, South Korea, May 18-20, 2022. pp. 129.

임성묵, 이원오, "Edge-rich Graphene via Modified Electrochemical Exfoliation Approach", 2022년도 한국복합재료학회 춘계학술대회 논문집, 2022/05/18-20. pp. 129.

182. Guk Hwan Lee, Niranjanmurthi Lingappan, Wonoh Lee*, "Cross-linked Aramid Nanofiber Membrane for Battery Application", The Korean Society for Composite Materials 2022 Spring Conference, Jeju, South Korea, May 18-20, 2022. pp. 127.
이국환, Niranjanmurthi Lingappan, 이원오, "Cross-linked Aramid Nanofiber Membrane for Battery Application", 2022년도 한국복합재료학회 춘계학술대회 논문집, 2022/05/18-20. pp. 127.

181. Fahim ShariaWonoh Lee*, "Solid polymer electrolyte based on aramid nanofiber/epoxy composites", The Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers - Reliability Engineering Division 2022 Spring Conference, Jeju, South Korea, Mar 23-25, 2022. pp. 118.

Fahim Sharia, 이원오, "아라미드 나노섬유/에폭시 복합재료를 기반한 고체 전해질 제조", 2022년도 대한기계학회 신뢰성부문 춘계학술대회 논문집, 2022/03/23-25. pp. 118.

180. Niranjanmurthi Lingappan, Wonoh Lee*, "Multifunctional Separators for Sodium/Potassium Ion Batteries", The Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers - Reliability Engineering Division 2022 Spring Conference, Jeju, South Korea, Mar 23-25, 2022. pp. 119.
Niranjanmurthi Lingappan, 이원오, "나트륨/칼륨 이온 배터리를 위한 다기능 세퍼레이터 제작", 2022년도 대한기계학회 신뢰성부문 춘계학술대회 논문집, 2022/03/23-25. pp. 119.

179. Sungmook LimWonoh Lee*, "DC Switching Technique based Electrochemical Exfoliation of Fractal-shaped Graphene", The Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers - Reliability Engineering Division 2022 Spring Conference, Jeju, South Korea, Mar 23-25, 2022. pp. 187.

임성묵, 이원오, "DC 스위칭 기법을 이용한 전기화학 박리 프랙탈 형상 그래핀 제조", 2022년도 대한기계학회 신뢰성부문 춘계학술대회 논문집, 2022/03/23-25. pp. 187.

178. Guk Hwan Lee, Wonoh Lee*, "Fabrication of aramid nanofiber membrane for battery application", The Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers - Reliability Engineering Division 2022 Spring Conference, Jeju, South Korea, Mar 23-25, 2022. pp. 120.
이국환, 이원오, "
배터리 응용분야에 적용할 아라미드 나노섬유 맴브레인 제조", 2022년도 대한기계학회 신뢰성부문 춘계학술대회 논문집, 2022/03/23-25. pp. 120.


177. Fahim ShariaWonoh Lee*, "Investigation on the Mechanical Properties of Glass/Pineapple Leaf Fibre Composite", The Korean Carbon Society 2021 Fall Conference, Gwangju, South Korea, Nov 25-26, 2021. pp. 129

Fahim Sharia, 이원오, "Investigation on the Mechanical Properties of Glass/Pineapple Leaf Fibre Composite", 2021년도 한국탄소학회 추계학술대회 논문집, 2021/11/25-26. pp.129

176. Niranjanmurthi Lingappan, Wonoh Lee*, "Interface Engineering of Binder-free Electrode for Lithium Ion Batteries and Hydrogen Evolution Reaction", The Korean Carbon Society 2021 Fall Conference, Gwangju, South Korea, Nov 25-26, 2021. pp. 147
Niranjanmurthi Lingappan, 이원오, "Interface Engineering of Binder-free Electrode for Lithium Ion Batteries and Hydrogen Evolution Reaction", 2021년도 한국탄소학회 추계학술대회 논문집, 2021/11/25-26. pp.147

175. Sungmook LimWonoh Lee*, "Electrochemical Exfoliation of Fractal-shaped Graphene Sheets Assisted through DC-switching Strategy", The Korean Carbon Society 2021 Fall Conference, Gwangju, South Korea, Nov 25-26, 2021. pp. 94

임성묵, 이원오, "Electrochemical Exfoliation of Fractal-shaped Graphene Sheets Assisted through DC-switching Strategy", 2021년도 한국탄소학회 추계학술대회 논문집, 2021/11/25-26. pp.94

174. Guk Hwan Lee, Wonoh Lee*, "Structurally Stable Three-dimensional Silica Aerogels using Aramid Nanostructures", The Korean Carbon Society 2021 Fall Conference, Gwangju, South Korea, Nov 25-26, 2021. pp. 150
이국환, 이원오, "Structurally Stable Three-dimensional Silica Aerogels using Aramid Nanostructures", 2021년도 한국탄소학회 추계학술대회 논문집, 2021/11/25-26. pp.150

173. Sungmook LimWonoh Lee*, "Electrochemically Exfoliated Graphene Sheets using DC Switching Technique with Expanded Graphite", CECNU Harvest Festival Symposium 2021, Gwangju, South Korea, Nov 16-17, 2021. pp. 218-219.

임성묵, 이원오, "팽창흑연과 DC스위칭 기술을 이용한 전기화학 박리 그래핀의 제조", 2021년 전남대학교 공과대학 하베스트 페스티벌 심포지엄, 2021/11/16-17. pp. 218-219.

172. Guk Hwan Lee, Wonoh Lee*, "Fabrication of Three-dimensional Aramid Nanofiber Nanostructures using Novel Covalent Crosslinking", CECNU Harvest Festival Symposium 2021, Gwangju, South Korea, Nov 16-17, 2021. pp. 98-99.

이국환, 이원오, "새로운 공유 크로스 링킹을 이용한 3차원 아라미드 나노섬유 나노구조체 제조", 2021년 전남대학교 공과대학 하베스트 페스티벌 심포지엄, 2021/11/16-17. pp. 98-99.

171. Fahim ShariaWonoh Lee*, "Hardness Properties of Hybrid Glass Fibre/Pineapple Leaf Fibre (PALF) Composite", The Korean Society for Composite Materials 2021 Fall Conference, Yeosu, South Korea, Nov 11-12, 2021. pp. PS2-33

Fahim Sharia, 이원오, "Hardness Properties of Hybrid Glass Fibre/Pineapple Leaf Fibre (PALF) Composite", 2021년도 한국복합재료학회 추계학술대회 논문집, 2021/11/11-12. pp.PS2-33

170. Niranjanmurthi Lingappan, Wonoh Lee*, "Interface Engineering of Flexible Electrode for Energy Storage Devices", The Korean Society for Composite Materials 2021 Fall Conference, Yeosu, South Korea, Nov 11-12, 2021. pp. PS2-5
Niranjanmurthi Lingappan, 이원오, "Interface Engineering of Flexible Electrode for Energy Storage Devices", 2021년도 한국복합재료학회 추계학술대회 논문집, 2021/11/11-12. pp.PS2-5

169. Sungmook LimWonoh Lee*, "Synthesis Fractal-shaped Graphene sheets by Electrochemical Exfoliation using Biasedly-switched Direct Current", The Korean Society for Composite Materials 2021 Fall Conference, Yeosu, South Korea, Nov 11-12, 2021. pp. PS2-34

임성묵, 이원오, "Synthesis Fractal-shaped Graphene sheets by Electrochemical Exfoliation using Biasedly-switched Direct Current", 2021년도 한국복합재료학회 추계학술대회 논문집, 2021/11/11-12. pp.PS2-34

168. Guk Hwan Lee, Wonoh Lee*, "Fabrication of Meso-Porous Silica Aerogels using 3D Aramid Nanostructures", The Korean Society for Composite Materials 2021 Fall Conference, Yeosu, South Korea, Nov 11-12, 2021. pp. PS2-35
이국환, 이원오, "Fabrication of Meso-Porous Silica Aerogels using 3D Aramid Nanostructures", 2021년도 한국복합재료학회 추계학술대회 논문집, 2021/11/11-12. pp.PS2-35

167. Fahim ShariaWonoh Lee*, "Mechanical Properties of Hybrid Glass Fibre/pineapple Leaf Fibre Composite", The Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers 2021 Annual Meeting, Gwangju, South Korea, Nov 03-06, 2021. pp. 1725.

Fahim Sharia, 이원오, "Mechanical Properties of Hybrid Glass Fibre/pineapple Leaf Fibre Composite", 대한기계학회 2021년 학술대회 논문집, 2021/11/03-06. pp. 1725.

166. Niranjanmurthi Lingappan, Wonoh Lee*, "Interface Engineering of Binder-free Electrode for Battery Application", The Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers 2021 Annual Meeting, Gwangju, South Korea, Nov 03-06, 2021. pp. 1727.
Niranjanmurthi Lingappan, 이원오, "Interface Engineering of Binder-free Electrode for Battery Application", 대한기계학회 2021년 학술대회 논문집, 2021/11/03-06. pp. 1727.

165. Sungmook LimWonoh Lee*, "Electrochemical Exfoliation-assisted Synthesis of Fractal-shaped Graphene Sheets", The Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers 2021 Annual Meeting, Gwangju, South Korea, Nov 03-06, 2021. pp. 1721.

임성묵, 이원오, "전기화학적 박리법을 이용한 프랙탈 형상 그래핀의 제조", 대한기계학회 2021년 학술대회 논문집, 2021/11/03-06. pp. 1721.

164. Guk Hwan Lee, Wonoh Lee*, "Fabrication of Hierarchically Porous Silica Aerogels using Aramid Nanostructures", The Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers 2021 Annual Meeting, Gwangju, South Korea, Nov 03-06, 2021. pp. 1720.
이국환, 이원오, "아라미드 나노구조체를 이용한 계층 다공구조 실리카 에어로겔 제조", 대한기계학회 2021년 학술대회 논문집, 2021/11/03-06. pp. 1720.

163Wonoh Lee*, "Catecholamine & Carbon-nano Hybrids for Advanced Composite Materials", The Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers 2021 Annual Meeting, Gwangju, South Korea, Nov 03-06, 2021.
이원오, "Catecholamine & Carbon-nano Hybrids for Advanced Composite Materials", 대한기계학회 2021년 학술대회 논문집, 2021/11/03-06.

<Invited Talk>

162. Sungmook LimWonoh Lee*, "Exfoliation of High Edge-to-area Ratio Graphene Sheets using Inorganic Salt with Electrochemical Method", The Korean Society for Composite Materials 2021 Spring Conference, Daejeon (online), South Korea, June 24-25, 2021. pp. 127

임성묵, 이원오, "Exfoliation of High Edge-to-area Ratio Graphene Sheets using Inorganic Salt with Electrochemical Method", 2021년도 한국복합재료학회 춘계학술대회 논문집, 2021/06/24-25. pp. 127

161. Guk Hwan Lee, Wonoh Lee*, "Characterization of Robust Silica Aerogels using Aramid Nanofibers", The Korean Society for Composite Materials 2021 Spring Conference, Daejeon (online), South Korea, June 24-25, 2021. pp. 123
이국환, 이원오, "Characterization of Robust Silica Aerogels using Aramid Nanofibers", 2021년도 한국복합재료학회 춘계학술대회 논문집, 2021/06/24-25. pp.123

160. Sungmook LimWonoh Lee*, "Synthesis of Fractal-Shaped Graphene Sheets using Electrochemical Exfoliation based on Switched Direct Current Method", The Korean Carbon Society 2021 Spring Conference, e-Conference (online), South Korea, May 27-28, 2021. pp. 192.

임성묵, 이원오, "Synthesis of Fractal-Shaped Graphene Sheets using Electrochemical Exfoliation based on Switched Direct Current Method", 2021년도 한국탄소학회 춘계학술대회 논문집, 2021/05/27-28. pp. 192.

159. Guk Hwan Lee, Wonoh Lee*, "Preparation of Hydrophilic Silica Aerogels using Aramid Nanofibers", The Korean Carbon Society 2021 Spring Conference, e-Conference (online), South Korea, May 27-28, 2021. pp. 191.
이국환, 이원오, "Preparation of Hydrophilic Silica Aerogels using Aramid Nanofibers", 2021년도 한국탄소학회 춘계학술대회 논문집, 2021/05/27-28. pp. 191.

158. Sungmook LimWonoh Lee*, "Electrochemically exfoliated graphene sheets using voltage diversion method of expanded graphite", The Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers - Reliability Engineering Division 2021 Spring Conference, Jeju, South Korea, Apr 28-30, 2021. pp. 220.

임성묵, 이원오, "팽창 흑연의 전압 변환법을 이용한 전기화학 박리 그래핀 제조", 2021년도 대한기계학회 신뢰성부문 춘계학술대회 논문집, 2021/04/28-30. pp. 220.

157. Guk Hwan Lee, Wonoh Lee*, "Structurally stable three-dimensional aramid nanocomposites via imide bonding", The Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers - Reliability Engineering Division 2021 Spring Conference, Jeju, South Korea, Apr 28-30, 2021. pp. 205.
이국환, 이원오, "이미드 결합을 통한 3차원 아라미드 나노복합재 제조", 2021년도 대한기계학회 신뢰성부문 춘계학술대회 논문집, 2021/04/28-30. pp. 205.



156. Liang Jun Zheng, Hyun Wook Kang*, Sungmook Lim, Dong See Kang, Na Kyung Kim, Wonoh Lee, "Improve the Performance of Thermoelectric Device by Utilizing Polydopamine Coated Composite Film-Evaporator", The 22nd Korean Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (KMEMS) Conference, Jeju, South Korea, Apr 01-03, 2020. pp. xx.
정량준, 강현욱, 임성묵, 강동희 김나경, 이원오, "Polydopamine 코팅 복합 필름과 증발장치를 이용한 열전 장치의 성능 향상", 제22회 한국마이크로나노시스템학회 학술대회 논문집, 2020/04/01-03. pp. xx.



155. Huynh Thanh Tung, Van Hoang Luan, Sungmook Lim, Guk-Hwan Lee, Wonoh Lee*, "Effects of aramid nanofibers on the mechanical properties of epoxy nanocomposites", The Korean Society for Composite Materials Conference 2019 Fall, Changwon, South Korea, Dec 04-05, 2019. pp. 78.
Huynh Thanh Tung, Van Hoang Luan, 임성묵, 이국환, 이원오, "Effects of aramid nanofibers on the mechanical properties of epoxy nanocomposites", 2019년도 한국복합재료학회 추계학술대회 논문집, 2019/12/04-05. pp. 78.

154. Van Hoang Luan, Wonoh Lee*, "Fabrication of 3D nanostructural copper oxide/reduced graphene oxide for hybrid supercapacitors", The Korean Society for Composite Materials Conference 2019 Fall, Changwon, South Korea, Dec 04-05, 2019. pp. 187.
Van Hoang Luan, 이원오, "Fabrication of 3D nanostructural copper oxide/reduced graphene oxide for hybrid supercapacitors ", 2019년도 한국복합재료학회 추계학술대회 논문집, 2019/12/04-05. pp. 187.

153. Sungmook Lim, Guk-Hwan Lee, Huynh Thanh TungJea Uk Lee, Wonoh Lee*, "Electrochemical exfoliation of expanded graphite by alternating voltage polarity", The Korean Society for Composite Materials Conference 2019 Fall, Changwon, South Korea, Dec 04-05, 2019. pp. 93.
임성묵, 이국환, Huynh Thanh Tung, 이제욱, 이원오, "Electrochemical exfoliation of expanded graphite by alternating voltage polarity", 2019년도 한국복합재료학회 추계학술대회 논문집, 2019/12/04-05. pp. 93.

152. Guk-Hwan Lee, Se Min Ju, Huynh Thanh Tung, Sungmook Lim, Van Hoang Luan, Wonoh Lee*, "Characterization of Aramid Nanofiber-based Three-dimensional Nanostructures Anchored by Di-tert-butyl Dicarbonate", The Korean Society for Composite Materials Conference 2019 Fall, Changwon, South Korea, Dec 04-05, 2019. pp. 94.
이국환, 주세민, Huynh Thanh Tung, 임성묵, Van Hoang Luan, 이원오, "Characterization of Aramid Nanofiber-based Three-dimensional Nanostructures Anchored by Di-tert-butyl Dicarbonate", 2019년도 한국복합재료학회 추계학술대회 논문집, 2019/12/04-05. pp. 94.

151. Huynh Thanh Tung, Van Hoang Luan, Guk-Hwan Lee, Wonoh Lee*, "Mechanical enhancement of epoxy resin reinforced by aramid nanofibers", The Korean Carbon Society Conference 2019 Fall, Seoul, South Korea, Nov 7-8, 2019. pp. 188.
Huynh Thanh Tung, Van Hoang Luan, 이국환, 이원오, "Mechanical enhancement of epoxy resin reinforced by aramid nanofibers", 2019년도 한국탄소학회 추계학술대회 논문집, 2019/11/7-8. pp. 188

150. Van Hoang Luan, Wonoh Lee*, "Fabrication of 3D nanostructural copper oxide/reduced graphene oxide hydrogel for hybrid supercapacitors", The Korean Carbon Society Conference 2019 Fall, Seoul, South Korea, Nov 7-8, 2019. pp. 185.
Van Hoang Luan, 이원오, "Fabrication of 3D nanostructural copper oxide/reduced graphene oxide hydrogel for hybrid supercapacitors", 2019년도 한국탄소학회 추계학술대회 논문집, 2019/11/7-8. pp. 185.

149. Sungmook Lim, Jea Uk Lee, Wonoh Lee*, "Positive-Negative Voltage Switching Application for Electrochemical Exfoliation of Graphene Sheets", The Korean Carbon Society Conference 2019 Fall, Seoul, South Korea, Nov 7-8, 2019. pp. 223.
임성묵, 이제욱, 이원오, "Positive-Negative Voltage Switching Application for Electrochemical Exfoliation of Graphene Sheets", 2019년도 한국탄소학회 추계학술대회 논문집, 2019/11/7-8. pp. 223.

148. Guk-Hwan Lee, Van Hoang Luan, Se Min Ju, Wonoh Lee*, "Analysis of three dimensional nanostructures based on aramid nanofibers", The Korean Carbon Society Conference 2019 Fall, Seoul, South Korea, Nov 7-8, 2019. pp. 116.
이국환, Van Hoang Luan, 주세민, 이원오, "Analysis of three dimensional nanostructures based on aramid nanofibers", 2019년도 한국탄소학회 추계학술대회 논문집, 2019/11/7-8. pp. 116.

147. Huynh Thanh Tung, Van Hoang Luan, Guk-Hwan Lee, Wonoh Lee*, "Mechanical properties of aramid nanofiber-reinforced epoxy nanocomposites", The Korean Carbon Society Conference 2019 Spring, Daegu, South Korea, May 16-17, 2019. pp.154.
Huynh Thanh Tung, Van Hoang Luan, 이국환, 
이원오, "Mechanical properties of aramid nanofiber-reinforced epoxy nanocomposites", 2019년도 한국탄소학회 춘계학술대회 논문집, 2019/05/16-17. pp.154.

146. Van Hoang Luan, Wonoh Lee*, "High performance supercapacitor electrode using N-doped MWCNT/graphene oxide hybrid hydrogel", The Korean Carbon Society Conference 2019 Spring, Daegu, South Korea, May 16-17, 2019. pp.153.
Van Hoang Luan, 이원오, "High performance supercapacitor electrode using N-doped MWCNT/graphene oxide hybrid hydrogel", 2019년도 한국탄소학회 춘계학술대회 논문집, 2019/05/16-17. pp.153.

145. Sungmook Lim, Jea Uk Lee, Wonoh Lee*, "Electrochemical exfoliation of graphene sheets by biased plus-minus switching voltages", The Korean Carbon Society Conference 2019 Spring, Daegu, South Korea, May 16-17, 2019. pp.176.
임성묵, 이제욱, 이원오, "Electrochemical exfoliation of graphene sheets by biased plus-minus switching voltages", 2019년도 한국탄소학회 춘계학술대회 논문집, 2019/05/16-17. pp.176.

144. Guk-Hwan Lee, Van Hoang Luan, Wonoh Lee*, "Mechanical and structural characterization of three-dimensional nanostructure based on aramid nanofibers", The Korean Carbon Society Conference 2019 Spring, Daegu, South Korea, May 16-17, 2019. pp.175.
이국환, Van Hoang Luan, 이원오, "Mechanical and structural characterization of three-dimensional nanostructure based on aramid nanofibers", 2019년도 한국탄소학회 춘계학술대회 논문집, 2019/05/16-17. pp.175.

143. Byeongho Park, Wonoh Lee, Youngseok Oh, Moon-Kwang Um, Byeong-Su Kim, "Highly Tunable Interfacial Adhesion of Glass Fiber by Hybrid Multilayers of Graphene Oxide and and Aramid Nanofiber", The Korean Society for Composite Materials Conference 2019 Spring, Yeosu, South Korea, Apr 03-05, 2019. pp. 374.
박병호, 이원오, 오영석, 엄문광, 김병수, "아라미드/산화그래핀 다층박막적층법을 이용한 유리섬유의 계면특성 향상", 2019년도 한국복합재료학회 춘계학술대회 논문집, 2019/04/03-05. pp. 374.

142. Huynh Thanh Tung, Van Hoang Luan, Wonoh Lee*, "Preparation of aramid nanofiber-reinforced epoxy nanocomposites using solvent-exchange method ", The Korean Society for Composite Materials Conference 2019 Spring, Yeosu, South Korea, Apr 03-05, 2019. pp. 349.
Huynh Thanh Tung, Van Hoang Luan, 이원오, "Preparation of aramid nanofiber-reinforced epoxy nanocomposites using solvent-exchange method ", 2019년도 한국복합재료학회 춘계학술대회 논문집, 2019/04/03-05. pp. 349.

141. Van Hoang Luan, Wonoh Lee*, "Carbon fabric supercapacitors based on catecholamine-coated MWCNT/GO hybrid hydrogels", The Korean Society for Composite Materials Conference 2019 Spring, Yeosu, South Korea, Apr 03-05, 2019. pp. 95.
Van Hoang Luan, 이원오, "Carbon fabric supercapacitors based on catecholamine-coated MWCNT/GO hybrid hydrogels", 2019년도 한국복합재료학회 춘계학술대회 논문집, 2019/04/03-05. pp. 95.

140. Sungmook Lim, Jea Uk Lee, Wonoh Lee*, "Electrochemically exfoliated graphene sheets using biased square wave voltages", The Korean Society for Composite Materials Conference 2019 Spring, Yeosu, South Korea, Apr 03-05, 2019. pp. 92.
임성묵, 이제욱, 이원오, "Electrochemically exfoliated graphene sheets using biased square wave voltages", 2019년도 한국복합재료학회 춘계학술대회 논문집, 2019/04/03-05. pp. 92.

139. Guk-Hwan Lee, Van Hoang Luan, Wonoh Lee*, "Water-free synthesis of three-dimensional nanostructures of aramid nanofibers", The Korean Society for Composite Materials Conference 2019 Spring, Yeosu, South Korea, Apr 03-05, 2019. pp. 91.
이국환, Van Hoang Luan, 이원오, "Water-free synthesis of three-dimensional nanostructures of aramid nanofibers", 2019년도 한국복합재료학회 춘계학술대회 논문집, 2019/04/03-05. pp. 91.




138. Sungmook Lim, Jea Uk Lee, Wonoh Lee*, "Exfoliation of graphene sheets by electrochemical method using microwave-assisted expanded graphite and biased DC-switching technique", The Korean Society for Composite Materials Conference 2018 Fall, Daejeon, South Korea, Nov 22-23, 2018. pp.324.
임성묵, 이제욱, 이원오, "Exfoliation of graphene sheets by electrochemical method using microwave-assisted expanded graphite and biased DC-switching technique", 2018년도 한국복합재료학회 추계학술대회 논문집, 2018/11/22-23. pp. 324.

137. Van Hoang Luan, Wonoh Lee*, "Polydopamine-coated MWCNT/graphene oxide hybrid 3D carbon nano-structure for flexible supercapacitor electrodes", The Korean Society for Composite Materials Conference 2018 Fall, Daejeon, South Korea, Nov 22-23, 2018. pp.329.
Van Hoang Luan, 이원오, "Polydopamine-coated MWCNT/graphene oxide hybrid 3D carbon nano-structure for flexible supercapacitor electrodes", 2018년도 한국복합재료학회 추계학술대회 논문집, 2018/11/22-23. pp. 329.

136. Sungmook Lim, Jea Uk Lee, Wonoh Lee*, "Electrochemical exfoliation process of microwave-assisted expanded graphite by using biased DC-switching technique", The Korean Carbon Society Conference 2018 Fall, Suwon, South Korea, Nov 15-16, 2018. pp.318.
임성묵, 이제욱, 이원오, "Electrochemical exfoliation process of microwave-assisted expanded graphite by using biased DC-switching technique", 2018년도 한국탄소학회 추계학술대회 논문집, 2018/11/15-16. pp.318.


135. Van Hoang Luan, Wonoh Lee*, "Polydopamine-coated MWCNT/graphene oxide hybrid 3D carbon nano-structure for flexible supercapacitor electrodes", The Korean Carbon Society Conference 2018 Fall, Suwon, South Korea, Oct 15-16, 2018. pp.319.
Van Hoang Luan, 이원오, "Polydopamine-coated MWCNT/graphene oxide hybrid 3D carbon nano-structure for flexible supercapacitor electrodes", 2018년도 한국탄소학회 추계학술대회 논문집, 2018/11/15-16. pp.319.

134. Wonoh Lee*, "Catecholamine-based Composites for Energy Storage Applications", The Korean Society for Composite Materials Summer Workshop 2018, Jeju, South Korea, Aug 23-25, 2018. pp.181-193.
이원오, "카테콜아민을 이용한 에너지 저장 복합소재", 2018년도 한국복합재료학회 하계 워크샵 논문집, 2018/08/23-25. pp.181-193.
<Invited talk>


133. Sungmook Lim, Jea Uk Lee, Wonoh Lee*, "Electrochemical exfoliation of graphite using biased DC-switching method", The Korean Society for Composite Materials Summer Workshop 2018, Jeju, South Korea, Aug 23-25, 2018. pp.365.
임성묵, 이제욱, 이원오, "바이어스 직류 전환법을 이용한 그래파이트의 전기화학적 박리", 2018년도 한국복합재료학회 하계 워크샵 논문집, 2018/08/23-25. pp.365.


132. Guk-Hwan Lee, Van Hoang Luan, Wonoh Lee*, "Aramid nanofiber-based aerogel by cross-linking of citric acid", The Korean Society for Composite Materials Summer Workshop 2018, Jeju, South Korea, Aug 23-25, 2018. pp.366.
이국환, Van Hoang Luan, 이원오, "구연산의 크로스 링킹을 이용한 아라미드 나노섬유 기반 에어로젤 제조", 2018년도 한국복합재료학회 하계 워크샵
 논문집, 2018/08/23-25. pp.366.

131. Byeongho Park, Wonoh Lee, Byeong-Su Kim, "Improvement of interfacial property of glass fiber composites by layer-by-layer assembly of graphene oxide and aramid nanofiber", The Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers – Micro/Nano Engineering Division 2018 Spring Meeting, Busan, South Korea, May 24-25, 2018, pp. 54.
박병호, 이원오,김병수, "산화그래핀과 아라미드 나노섬유의 Layer-by-Layer 적층을 이용한 유리섬유 복합재 계면특성 개선", 대한기계학회 마이크로/나노공학부문 2018년도 춘계학술대회 논문집, 2018/05/24-25, pp. 54.


130. Sungmook Lim, Jea Uk Lee, Wonoh Lee*, "Electrochemically exfoliated graphene sheets using microwave-assisted expanded graphite and DC-switching technique", The Korean Carbon Society Conference 2018 Spring, Gwangju, South Korea, May 17-18, 2018. pp.311.
임성묵, 이제욱, 이원오, "Electrochemically exfoliated graphene sheets using microwave-assisted expanded graphite and DC-switching technique", 2018년도 한국탄소학회 춘계학술대회 논문집, 2018/05/17-18. pp.311.


129. Guk-Hwan Lee, Van Hoang Luan, Wonoh Lee*, "Fabrication of 3D nano-structure from aramid nanofibers via covalent cross-linking by citric acid", The Korean Carbon Society Conference 2018 Spring, Gwangju, South Korea, May 17-18, 2018. pp.312.
이국환, Van Hoang Luan, 이원오, "Fabrication of 3D nano-structure from aramid nanofibers via covalent cross-linking by citric acid", 2018년도 한국탄소학회 춘계학술대회 논문집, 2018/05/17-18. pp.312.


128. Van Hoang Luan, Wonoh Lee*, "Polydopamine-coated MWCNT/graphene oxide hybrid 3D carbon nano-structure for wire-shaped supercapacitor electrodes", The Korean Carbon Society Conference 2018 Spring, Gwangju, South Korea, May 17-18, 2018. pp.241.
Van Hoang Luan, 이원오, "Polydopamine-coated MWCNT/graphene oxide hybrid 3D carbon nano-structure for wire-shaped supercapacitor electrodes", 2018년도 한국탄소학회 춘계학술대회 논문집, 2018/05/17-18. pp.241.




127. Wonoh Lee*, "Dopamine-mediated Graphene/Silver Nanoparticle Hybrids for High-performance Electrochemical Electrodes", The Korean Society for Composite Materials Conference 2017 Fall, Daejeon, South Korea, Nov 23-24, 2017. pp.106.
이원오, "Dopamine-mediated Graphene/silver Nanoparticle Hybrids for High-performance Electrochemical Electrodes", 2017년도 한국복합재료학회 추계학술대회 논문집, 2017/11/23-24. pp.106.
<Invited talk>


126. Van Hoang Luan, Wonoh Lee*, "Enhanced Capacitance of 3D CNT/graphene Oxide Hybrid Hydrogel Structure by Polydopamine Coating and Heat Treatment", The Korean Carbon Society Conference 2017 Fall, Daejeon, South Korea, Nov 16-17, 2017. pp.166.
Van Hoang Luan, 이원오, "Enhanced Capacitance of 3D CNT/graphene Oxide Hybrid Hydrogel Structure by Polydopamine Coating and Heat Treatment", 2017년도 한국탄소학회 추계학술대회 논문집, 2017/11/16-17. pp.166.


125. Wonoh Lee*, "Mussel-inspired Dopamine-mediated Graphene/Silver Nanoparticle Hybrids for Enhanced Electrical and Electrochemical Activities", The Korean Carbon Society Conference 2017 Fall, Daejeon, South Korea, Nov 16-17, 2017. pp.63
이원오, "Mussel-inspired Dopamine-mediated Graphene/silver nanoparticle Hybrids for Enhanced Electrical and Electrochemical Activities", 2017년도 한국탄소학회 추계학술대회 논문집, 2017/11/16-17. pp.63
<Invited talk>


124. Van Hoang Luan, Wonoh Lee*, "Removal of methylene blue from aqueous solution using graphene oxide/carbon nanotube hydrogels with enhanced hydrophilicity by polydopamine coating", The Korean Carbon Society Conference 2017 Spring, Changwon, South Korea, May 18-19, 2017. pp. 181.
Van Hoang Luan, 이원오, "Removal of methylene blue from aqueous solution using graphene oxide/carbon nanotube hydrogels with enhanced hydrophilicity by polydopamine coating", 2017년도 한국탄소학회 춘계학술대회 논문집, 2017/05/18-19. pp. 181.


123. Van Hoang Luan, Wonoh Lee*, "Enhancement of methylene blue removal by using polydopamine-coated carbon nanotube/graphene hybrid hydrogel", The Korean Society for Composite Materials Conference 2017 Spring, Sejong, South Korea, Apr 13-14, 2017. pp. 137.
Van Hoang Luan, 이원오, "Enhancement of methylene blue removal by using polydopamine-coated carbon nanotube/graphene hybrid hydrogel", 2017년도 한국복합재료학회 춘계학술대회 논문집, 2017/04/13-14, pp. 137.


122. Wonoh Lee*, "Mussel-inspired catecholamine/carbon-nano hybrids for functional nanocomposites", The Korean Society for Composite Materials Conference 2017 Spring, Sejong, South Korea, Apr 13-14, 2017. pp. 134.
이원오, "Mussel-inspired catecholamine/carbon-nano hybrids for functional nanocomposites", 2017년도 한국복합재료학회 춘계학술대회 논문집, 2017/04/13-14, pp. 134.




121. Wonoh Lee*, “Carbon nanomaterial-based wire-type OFET devices & stretchable supercapacitors”, The Korea Carbon Society Conference 2016 Fall, Incheon, South Korea, Nov 17-18, 2016.
이원오, “Carbon nanomaterial-based wire-type OFET devices & stretchable supercapacitors”, 2016년 한국탄소학회 추계학술대회, 2016/11/17-18.
<Invited talk>


120. Van Hoang Luan, Wonoh Lee*, “Enhanced electrochemical capacitance of three-dimensional graphene oxide hydrogel electrodes hybridized with copper oxide nanowire”, The Korea Carbon Society Conference 2016 Fall, Incheon, South Korea, Nov 17-18, 2016.
Van Hoang Luan, 이원오, “Enhanced electrochemical capacitance of three-dimensional graphene oxide hydrogel electrodes hybridized with copper oxide nanowire”, 2016년 한국탄소학회 추계학술대회, 2016/11/17-18.


119. Daeryeong Bae, Shin O Kim, Wonoh Lee, Dong Gi Seong*, "Formability Evaluation of high-speed curing carbon fiber prepregs by square-cup drawing", The Korean Society for Composite Materials Conference 2016 Fall, Seoul, South Korea, Nov 25, 2016, pp. 112-113.
배대령, 김신오, 이원오, 성동기, "사각컵 금형을 이용한 급속 경화 탄소섬유 프리프레그의 성형성 평가", 추계학술발표대회 논문집, 한국복합재료학회, 2016/11/25, pp. 112-113.


118. Wonoh Lee*, “Catecholamine nanocomposites and their applications for fiber-type energy devices”, The Korean Fiber Society 2016 Fall Meeting, Busan, South Korea, Nov 3-4, 2016.
이원오, “카테콜아민 나노복합재료 및 이를 이용한 섬유형 에너지 소자”, 2016년 한국섬유공학회 추계학술대회, 2016/11/3-4.
<Invited talk>


117. Wonoh Lee*, "Catecholamine-based wire-type supercapacitors", The Korean Society of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Fall Meeting, Jeju, South Korea, Oct 26-28, 2016. pp .115.
이원오, "카테콜아민을 이용한 와이어타입 수퍼커패시터", 2016 한국공업화학회 추계 학술대회, 2016/10/26-28, 2016. pp. 115.
<Invited Talk>


116. Daeryeong Bae, Shin O Kim, Wonoh Lee, Dong Gi Seong*, "Mechanical properties of carbon fiber prepregs by high-speed curing", The Korean Society for Composite Materials Conference 2016 Spring, Jinju, South Korea, May 19-20, 2016, pp. 177-178.
배대령, 김신오, 이원오, 성동기, "급속 경화 탄소섬유 프리프레그의 기계적 물성 평가", 춘계학술발표대회 논문집, 한국복합재료학회, 2016/05/19-20, pp. 177-178.


115. Hwa Jin Cha, Nari Kim*, Wonoh Lee, Youngseok Oh, "Hydrothermally Grown ZnO Decorated Micro-Carbon Fiber Electrodes for Fiber-typed Supercapacitors", The Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers – Micro/Nano Engineering Division 2016 Spring Meeting, Busan, South Korea, May 19-20, 2016. pp. 53.
차화진, 김나리, 이원오, 오영석, "Hydrothermally Grown ZnO Decorated Micro-Carbon Fiber Electrodes for Fiber-typed Supercapacitors", 대한기계학회 마이크로/나노공학부문 2016년도 춘계학술대회 논문집, 2016/05/19-20, pp. 53.


114. Nari Kim, Hwa Jin Cha*, Wonoh Lee, Youngseok Oh, "Highly Porous Three-dimensional Carbon Nanotube Networks Decorated Carbon Fiber Electrodes for Supercapacitors", The Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers – Micro/Nano Engineering Division 2016 Spring Meeting, Busan, South Korea, May 19-20, 2016.
김나리, 차화진, 이원오, 오영석, "Highly Porous Three-dimensional Carbon Nanotube Networks Decorated Carbon Fiber Electrodes for Supercapacitors", 대한기계학회 마이크로/나노공학부문 2016년도 춘계학술대회 논문집, 2016/05/19-20, pp. 39.


113. Kang Eun Lee, Dong Gi Seong, Jea Uk Lee, Wonoh Lee, Moon-Gwang Um*, “Fabrication of Ion Gel-Gated Organic Field Effect Transistor for UV detection Using Photochromic Molecules”, The Polymer Society of Korea 2016 Spring Meeting, Daejeon, South Korea, Apr 6-8, 2016.
이강은, 성동기, 이제욱, 이원오, 엄문광, “Fabrication of Ion Gel-Gated Organic Field Effect Transistor for UV detection Using Photochromic Molecules”, 2016년 한국고분자학회 춘계학술대회, 2016/04/06-08.


112. Moo Yeol Lee, Jayeon Hong, Eun Kwang Lee, Ho Jeong Yu, Hyo Eun Kim, Sang Jin Lee, Jea Uk Lee, Wonoh Lee, Joon Hak Oh*, "Highly Flexible Organic Nanofiber Phototransistors on a Textile Composite and Their Applications in Wearable Photosensors", The Polymer Society of Korea 2016 Spring Meeting, Daejeon, South Korea, Apr 6-8, 2016.
이무열, 홍자연, 이은광, 유호정, 김효은, 이상진, 이제욱, 이원오, 오준학, “Highly Flexible Organic Nanofiber Phototransistors on a Textile Composite and Their Applications in Wearable Photosensors”, 2016년 한국고분자학회 춘계학술대회, 2016/04/06-08.


111. Wonoh Lee*, “Polydopamine-assisted high performance stretchable wire-type supercapacitor”, The Korea Carbon Society Winter School 2016 - Young Scientist Forum, Muju, South Korea, Feb 14-16, 2016.
이원오, “Polydopamine-assisted high performance stretchable wire-type supercapacitor”, 2016년 한국탄소학회 Winter School 2016 - Young Scientist Forum, 2016/02/14-16.
<Invited talk>




110. Kang Eun Lee, Jea Uk Lee, Wonoh Lee*, “Fabrication of Highly Sensitive Ultraviolet OFET Sensors Using Azobenzene-Containing Ion-gel Films as Gate Dielectrics”, The Korean Sensors Society Conference 2015, Pohang, South Korea, Nov 13-14, 2015
이강은, 이제욱, 이원오, “Fabrication of Highly Sensitive Ultraviolet OFET Sensors Using Azobenzene-Containing Ion-gel Films as Gate Dielectrics”, 2015년 한국센서학회 종합학술대회, 2015/11/13-14.


109. Wonoh Lee*, “Carbon-nano composites and their wearable electronic devices and energy storage applications”, The Korean Ceramic Society Conference 2015 Fall, Incheon, South Korea, Nov 4-6.
이원오, “탄소나노복합소재를 이용한 웨어러블 전자 소자 및 에너지 저장 응용”, 2015년 한국세라믹학회 추계학술대회, 2015/11/04-06.
<Invited talk>


108. Shin O Kim, Wonoh Lee, Moon-Kwang Um, Dong Gi Seong*, “Deformation of Fiber Preform in High Speed Resin Transfer Molding: Effect of Textile Preform”, The Korean Society for Composite Materials Conference 2015 Fall, Jeonju, South Korea, Oct 30, 2015, pp. 131-132.
김신오, 이원오, 엄문광, 성동기, "고속 RTM 공정에서의 섬유 변형 연구: 섬유 직조패턴의 영향 검증", 추계학술발표대회 논문집, 한국복합재료학회, 2015/10/30, pp. 131-132.

107. Moo Yoel Lee, Jayeon Hong, Eun Kwang Lee, Hojeong Yu, Hyoeun Kim, Jea Uk Lee, Wonoh Lee, Joon Hak Oh*, “Fabrication of Highly Flexible Organic Nanofiber Phototransistors on a Textile Composite and Their Applications in Wearable Photosensors” The Korean Institute of Chemical Engineers Fall Meeting, Goyang, Korea, Oct. 21-23, 2015. 
이무열, 홍자연, 이은광, 유호정, 김효은, 이제욱, 이원오, 오준학, “Fabrication of Highly Flexible Organic Nanofiber Phototransistors on a Textile Composite and Their Applications in Wearable Photosensors”, 2016년 한국화학공학회 추계학술대회, 2016/10/21-23.


106. Jin-Woo Yi*, Hee Jeong Won, Seong Woo Lim, Wonoh Lee, Dong Gi Seong, Sang Woo Kim, Moon-Kwang Um, “Effect of Phenoxy-based Coating Resin for Reinforcing Pitch Carbon Fibers on the Interfacial Strength of PA6 Composites”, The Polymer Society of Korea 2015 Fall Meeting, Daegu, South Korea, Oct 6-8, 2015.
이진우, 원희정, 임성우, 이원오, 성동기, 김상우, 엄문광, “Effect of Phenoxy-based Coating Resin for Reinforcing Pitch Carbon Fibers on the Interfacial Strength of PA6 Composites”, 2015년 한국고분자학회 추계학술대회, 2015/10/06-08.


105. Kang Eun Lee, Sang-Su Yoon, Wonoh Lee, Moon-Kwang Um, Jea Uk Lee*, “Highly Sensitive Ultraviolet Sensors based on Organics Transistor Platform by Introducing Photochromic Molecules into gate Dielectric”, The Korea Carbon Society Conference 2015 Spring, Gumi, South Korea, Jun 03-05, 2015, pp. 129.
이강은, 윤상수, 이원오, 엄문광, 이제욱, “Highly Sensitive Ultraviolet Sensors based on Organics Transistor Platform by Introducing Photochromic Molecules into gate Dielectric”, 2015년 한국탄소학회 춘계학술대회, 2015/06/03-05, pp. 129.


104. Youngseok Oh*, Na-Ri Kim, Moon-Kwang Um, Wonoh Lee, “Highly Porous Foam Networks Made of Single Walled Carbon Nanotubes and Their Applications”, The Korea Carbon Society Conference 2015 Spring, Gumi, South Korea, Jun 03-05, 2015, pp. 53.
오영석, 김나리, 엄문광, 이원오, “Highly Porous Foam Networks Made of Single Walled Carbon Nanotubes and Their Applications”, 2015년 한국탄소학회 춘계학술대회, 2015/06/03-05, pp. 53.


103. Jea Uk Lee, Sang-Su Yoon, Kang Eun Lee, Wonoh Lee, Dong Gi Seong, Moon-Kwang Um, “Conductive Graphene Fiber-based Flexible Transistor for Wearable Electronics”, The Korea Carbon Society Conference 2015 Spring, Gumi, South Korea, Jun 03-05, 2015, pp. 125.
이제욱, 윤상수, 이강은, 이원오, 성동기, 엄문광, “Highly Porous Foam Networks Made of Single Walled Carbon Nanotubes and Their Applications”, 2015년 한국탄소학회 춘계학술대회, 2015/06/03-05, pp. 125.


102. Gengheng Zhou, Joon-Hyung Byun*, Sang-Bok Lee, Jin-Woo Yi, Wonoh Lee, Sang-Kwan Lee, “Influence of Heat Treatment on the Tensile Behavior of PAN-based T300 Carbon Fiber”, The Korea Carbon Society Conference 2015 Spring, Gumi, South Korea, Jun 03-05, 2015, pp. 222.
Gengheng Zhou, 변준형, 이상복, 이진우, 이원오, 이상관, “Influence of Heat Treatment on the Tensile Behavior of PAN-based T300 Carbon Fiber”, 2015년 한국탄소학회 춘계학술대회, 2015/06/03-05, pp. 222.


101. Byung Mun Jung, Kang Eun Lee, Jea Uk Lee, Dong Gi Seong, Youngseok Oh, Wonoh Lee, Moo Yeol Lee, Joon Hak Oh, Moon-Kwang Um*, “Polythiophene/Polyurethane Hybrid Films for Stretchable Devices”, The Korea Carbon Society Conference 2015 Spring, Gumi, South Korea, Jun 03-05, 2015, pp. 252.
정병문, 이강은, 이제욱, 성동기, 오영석, 이원오, 이무열, 오준학, 엄문광, “Polythiophene/Polyurethane Hybrid Films for Stretchable Devices”, 2015년 한국탄소학회 춘계학술대회, 2015/06/03-05, pp. 252.


100. Kang Eun Lee, Sang-Su Yoon, Wonoh Lee, Moon-Kwang Um, Jea Uk Lee*, "Fabrication of the Organic Field Effect Transistor Sensor by Introducing Photochromic Molecules into a Gate Dielectric", The Korean Society for Composite Materials Conference 2015 Spring, Daejeon, South Korea, May 14-15, 2015, pp. 41-42.
이강은, 윤상수, 이원오, 엄문광, 이제욱, "광 감응성 물질의 게이트 유전층 도입을 통한 자외선 감지 가능한 유기트랜지스터 센서 제조", 춘계학술발표대회 논문집, 한국복합재료학회, 2015/05/14-15, pp. 41-42.


99. Shin O Kim, Wonoh Lee, Moon-Kwang Um, Chi-Hoon Choi, Dong Gi Seong*, "Effect of Structural Parameters of Fiber Preform on deformation Behavior in High Speed Resin Transfer Molding", The Korean Society for Composite Materials Conference 2015 Spring, Daejeon, South Korea, May 14-15, 2015, pp. 163-164.
김신오, 이원오, 엄문광, 최치훈, 성동기, "고속 RTM 공정에서 섬유 보강재의 구조적 인자에 따른 변형 거동에 관한 연구", 춘계학술발표대회 논문집, 한국복합재료학회, 2015/05/14-15, pp. 163-164.


98. Sang Su Yoon, Kang Eun Lee, Dong Gi Seong, Wonoh Lee, Joon-Hyung Byun, Moon-Kwang Um, Jea Uk Lee*, "Fabrication of Graphene/Ag Flexible Conducting Fiber and their Transistor", The Korean Society for Composite Materials Conference 2015 Spring, Daejeon, South Korea, May 14-15, 2015, pp. 183-184.
윤상수, 이강은, 성동기, 이원오, 변준형, 엄문광, 이제욱, "그래핀/은 유연 전도성 섬유제조와 트랜지스터에의 응용", 춘계학술발표대회 논문집, 한국복합재료학회, 2015/05/14-15, pp. 183-184.


97. Hwa Jin Cha, Nari Kim, Youngseok Oh, Wonoh Lee*, " Preparation and Characterization of Graphene-polydopamine Hybrid Fibers", The Korean Society for Composite Materials Conference 2015 Spring, Daejeon, South Korea, May 14-15, 2015, pp. 191-192.
차화진, 김나리, 오영석, 이원오, "그래핀-폴리도파민 하이브리드 섬유의 제조 및 특성 평가", 춘계학술발표대회 논문집, 한국복합재료학회, 2015/05/14-15, pp. 191-192.


96. Hee Jung Won, Dong Gi Seong, Wonoh Lee, Seong Woo Im, Moon Kwang Um, Jin Woo Yi*, "Flame Retardant Characteristics of the Composites According to Fiber Volume Fraction and Flame Retardant", The Korean Society for Composite Materials Conference 2015 Spring, Daejeon, South Korea, May 14-15, 2015, pp. 193-194.
원희정, 성동기, 이원오, 임성우, 엄문광, 이진우, "난연제 함량 및 섬유 체적율에 따른 복합재의 난연 특성", 춘계학술발표대회 논문집, 한국복합재료학회, 2015/05/14-15, pp. 193-194.


95. Nari Kim, Hwajin Cha, Wonoh Lee, Youngseok Oh*, "Carbon Nanotube-Graphene Hybrid Porous Architecture based Fiber Electrodes for the Electrochemical Capacitive Energy Storage", The Korean Society for Composite Materials Conference 2015 Spring, Daejeon, South Korea, May 14-15, 2015, pp. 195-196.
김나리, 차화진, 이원오, 오영석, "탄소나노튜브-그래핀 하이브리드 다공체가 코팅된 탄소섬유 전극의 전기화학 특성", 춘계학술발표대회 논문집, 한국복합재료학회, 2015/05/14-15, pp. 147-148.


94. Dong Gi Seong, Shin O Kim, Wonoh Lee, Moon-Kwang Um, “A Study on Flow Induced Fiber Deformation Mode and Mechanism in Liquid Composite Molding”, The Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers – Gyungnam Division 2015 Spring Meeting, Changwon, South Korea, May 08, 2015.
성동기, 김신오, 이원오, 엄문광, “복합재료 액상성형 유동에 의한 섬유변형의 유형 및 메커니즘 연구”, 2015년 대한기계학회 경남지회 춘계학술대회, 2015/05/08.


93. Moo Yeol Lee, Jayeon Hong, Eun Kwang Lee, Hae Rang Lee, Cheol Hee Park, Wonoh Lee, Jea Uk Lee, Joon Hak Oh*, "Fabrication of Highly Flexible Textile-based Organic Transistors and Application toward Wearable Photosensors", The Korean Society of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry 2015 Spring Meeting, Pusan, South Korea, Apr 29-May 01, 2015.
이무열, 홍자연, 이은광, 이해랑, 박철희, 이원오, 이제욱, 오준학, “Fabrication of Highly Flexible Textile-based Organic Transistors and Application toward Wearable Photosensors”, 2015년 한국공업화학회 춘계학술대회, 2015/04/29-05/01.


92. Youngseok Oh*, Nari Kim, Moon-Kwang Um, Joon-Hyung Byun, Wonoh Lee, “Three Dimensional Porous Architecture based Wire-shaped Supercapacitors”, The Korean Society of Manufacturing Technology Engineering 2015 Spring Meeting, Daejeon, South Korea, Apr 28-30, 2015.
오영석, 김나리, 엄문광, 변준형, 이원오, “3차원 나노 다공체 기반의 와이어 형상의 수퍼캐패시터용 전극 개발”, 2015년 한국생산제조시스템학회 춘계학술대회, 2015/04/28-30.


91. Wonoh Lee*, Jea Uk Lee, Youngseok Oh, “Carbon-nanomateril based Macroscopic Fiber and its Electronic Device and Energy Storage Applications”, The Korean Fiber Society 2015 Spring Meeting, Seoul, South Korea, Apr 23-24, 2015.
이원오, 이제욱, 오영석, “탄소나노소재 기반 섬유를 이용한 전자 소자 및 에너지 저장 응용”, 2015년 한국섬유공학회 춘계학술대회, 2015/04/23-24.
<Invited talk>


90. Byeongho Park, Wonoh Lee, Eunhee Lee, Sa Hoon Min, Byeong-Su Kim*, “Highly Tunable Interfacial Adhesion of Glass Fiber by Hybrid Multilayers of Graphene Oxide and Aramid Nanofiber”, The Polymer Society of Korea 2015 Spring Meeting, Daejeon, South Korea, Apr 8-10, 2015, pp. 95.
박병호, 이원오, 이은희, 민사훈, 김병수, “Highly Tunable Interfacial Adhesion of Glass Fiber by Hybrid Multilayers of Graphene Oxide and Aramid Nanofiber”, 2015년 한국고분자학회 춘계학술대회, 2015/04/08-10, pp. 95.


89. Sang-Su Yoon, Kang Eun Lee, Dong Gi Seong, Wonoh Lee, Moon-Kwang Um, Joon-Hyung Byun, Jea Uk Lee*, “Hybridization of Graphene Fiber and Ag Nanoparticles with Ultrahigh Conductivity”, The Polymer Society of Korea 2015 Spring Meeting, Daejeon, South Korea, Apr 8-10, 2015, pp. 99.
윤상수, 이강은, 성동기, 이원오, 엄문광, 변준형, 이제욱, “Hybridization of Graphene Fiber and Ag Nanoparticles with Ultrahigh Conductivity”, 2015년 한국고분자학회 춘계학술대회, 2015/04/08-10, pp. 99.


88. Kang Eun Lee, Sang-Su Yonn, Jea Uk Lee*, Wonoh Lee, Moon-Kwang Um, “Fabrication of P3HT based OFET for UV Sensor by Introducing Azobenzene Molecules into a Gate Dielectric”, The Polymer Society of Korea 2015 Spring Meeting, Daejeon, South Korea, Apr 8-10, 2015, pp. 111.
이강은, 윤상수, 이제욱, 이원오, 엄문광, “Fabrication of P3HT based OFET for UV Sensor by Introducing Azobenzene Molecules into a Gate Dielectric”, 2015년 한국고분자학회 춘계학술대회, 2015/04/08-10, pp. 111.




87. Kang Eun Lee, Sang-Su Yoon, Jea Uk Lee*, Wonoh Lee, Moon-Kwang Um, "Application of the Azobenzene Derivative/PMMA Blending Film as the Dielectric Layer of the Organic Field Effect Transistor for UV Sensor The Korean Society for Composite Materials Conference 2014 Fall, Seoul, South Korea, Nov 20-21, 2014, pp. 201-202.
이강은, 윤상수, 이제욱, 이원오, 엄문광 "아조벤젠 유도체/PMMA 필름의 유전층 도입을 통한 자외선 감지용 유기트랜지스터 센서 제조", 추계학술발표대회 논문집, 한국복합재료학회, 2014/11/20-21, pp. 201-202.


86. Shin O Kim, Dong Gi Seong*, Wonoh Lee, Moon-Kwang Um, “Effect of laminate structure of fiber preform on deformation behavior in high speed resin transfer molding”, The Korean Society for Composite Materials Conference 2014 Fall, Seoul, South Korea, Nov 20-21, 2014, pp. 195-196.
김신오, 성동기, 이원오, 엄문광, “고속 RTM 공정에서 섬유 보강재의 적층구조에 따른 변형 거동에 관한 연구”, 추계학술발표대회 논문집, 한국복합재료학회, 2014/11/20-21, pp. 195-196.


85. Sang-Su Yoon, Kang Eun Lee, Wonoh Lee, Joon-hyung Byun, Moon-Kwang Um, Jea Uk Lee*, “Fabrication of Graphene/Ag Hybrid Fiber and its Application”, The Korean Society for Composite Materials Conference 2014 Fall, Seoul, South Korea, Nov 20-21, 2014, pp. 185-186.
윤상수, 이강은, 이원오, 변준형, 엄문광, 이제욱, “그래핀과 금속입자 하이브리드의 제조 및 응용”, 추계학술발표대회 논문집, 한국복합재료학회, 2014/11/20-21, pp. 185-186.


84. Nari Kim, Yu-Jin Lee, Wonoh Lee, Youngseok, Oh*, “Three Dimensional Carbon Nanotube Networks Hybridized Carbon Fiber Electrodes for the Electrochemical Capacitive Energy Storage”, The Korean Society for Composite Materials Conference 2014 Fall, Seoul, South Korea, Nov 20-21, 2014, pp. 179-180.
김나리, 이유진, 이원오, 오영석, “탄소나노튜브-탄소섬유 하이브리드 3차원 네트워크의 전기화학 특성”, 추계학술발표대회 논문집, 한국복합재료학회, 2014/11/20-21, pp. 179-180.


83. N.H.A. Ngadiman, Byeongho Park, Byeong-Su Kim, Byung-Sun Kim, Wonoh Lee*, “Parametric Study on Electrophoretic Deposition of Aramid Nanofibersby Investigating Morphology of Carbon Fiber Surface”, The Korean Society for Composite Materials Conference 2014 Fall, Seoul, South Korea, Nov 20-21, 2014, pp. 177-178.
N.H.A. Ngadiman, 박병호, 김병수, 김병선, 이원오, “탄소섬유 표면 모폴로지 관찰을 통한아라미드 나노섬유의 전기영동 공정 변수에 관한 연구”, 추계학술발표대회 논문집, 한국복합재료학회, 2014/11/20-21, pp. 177-178.


82. Yu Jin Lee, Nari Kim, Youngseok Oh, Wonoh Lee*, "A Study on Electrochemical Supercapacitor Electrodes of Carbon Nanowire Arrays Decorated Carbon Fibers", The Korean Society for Composite Materials Conference 2014 Fall, Seoul, South Korea, Nov 20-21, 2014, pp. 175-176.
이유진, 김나리, 오영석, 이원오, "탄소섬유 표면개질을 통한 와이어 타입의 슈퍼커패시터 전극 개발", 추계학술발표대회 논문집, 한국복합재료학회, 2014/11/20-21, pp. 175-176.


81. Hee Jung Won, Jin-Woo Yi*, Moon-Kwang Um, Dong Gi Seong, Wonoh Lee, Shin O Kim, “Evaluation on Mechanical Thermal Properties and Optimization of Fabrication Process of the Composites for Lunar Rover”, The Korean Society for Composite Materials Conference 2014 Fall, Seoul, South Korea, Nov 20-21, 2014, pp. 155-156.
원희정, 이진우, 엄문광, 성동기, 이원오, 김신오, “달탐사 로버용 복합재 제조 공정 최적화 및 기계적·열적 특성평가”, 추계학술발표대회 논문집, 한국복합재료학회, 2014/11/20-21, pp. 155-156.


80. Hee Jung Won, Jin-Woo Yi*, Dong Gi Seong, Moon-Kwang Um, Wonoh Lee, “Effect of Pitch Carbon Fiber Modulus on the Fiber Length and Mechanical Properties of the Composites”, The Korean Society for Composite Materials Conference 2014 Fall, Seoul, South Korea, Nov 20-21, 2014, pp. 153-154.
원희정, 이진우, 성동기, 엄문광, 이원오, “핏치 탄소섬유 강성에 따른 복합재의 섬유길이 및 기계적 특성”, 추계학술발표대회 논문집, 한국복합재료학회, 2014/11/20-21, pp. 153-154.


79. Dong Gi Seong*, Yu Jin Lee, Youngseok Oh, Kang Eun Lee, Jea Uk Lee, Byung Mun Jung, Wonoh Lee, Moon-Kwang Um, "New Design of 1-D Monofilament Type Device for Smart Textile Applications", The Korean Society for Composite Materials Conference 2014 Fall, Seoul, South Korea, Nov 20-21, 2014, pp. 147-148.
성동기, 이유진, 오영석, 이강은, 이제욱, 정병문, 이원오, 엄문광 "스마트 텍스타일 적용을 위한 신규 1차원 모노필라멘트형 소자", 추계학술발표대회 논문집, 한국복합재료학회, 2014/11/20-21, pp. 147-148.


78. Nari Kim, Yu Jin Lee, Youngseok Oh, Wonoh Lee*, "Three Dimensional Carbon Nanotube Networks Hybridized Carbon Fiber Electrodes for the Electrochemical Capacitive Energy Storage", The Korean Carbon Society 2014 Fall Meeting, Jeonju, South Korea, Nov 05-06, 2014, pp. 96-97.
김나리, 이유진, 오영석, 이원오, "Three Dimensional Carbon Nanotube Networks Hybridized Carbon Fiber Electrodes for the Electrochemical Capacitive Energy Storage", 2014년 한국탄소학회 추계학술대회, 2014/11/05-06, pp. 96-97.


77. Yu Jin Lee, Nari Kim, Youngseok Oh, Wonoh Lee*, "Carbon Nanowire Arrays Decorated Micro-Carbon Fibers as Electrochemical Supercapacitor Electrodes", The Korean Carbon Society 2014 Fall Meeting, Jeonju, South Korea, Nov 05-06, 2014, pp. 94-95.
이유진, 김나리, 오영석, 이원오, "Carbon Nanowire Arrays Decorated Micro-Carbon Fibers as Electrochemical Supercapacitor Electrodes", 2014년 한국탄소학회 추계학술대회, 2014/11/05-06, pp. 94-95.


76. Youngseok Oh, Sang-Su Yoon, Wonoh Lee, Joon-Hyung Byun, Jea Uk Lee*, "Fabrication of Graphene/Gold Nano-hybrid for Effective Surface-enhanced Raman Scattering Platforms", The Korean Carbon Society 2014 Fall Meeting, Jeonju, South Korea, Nov 05-06, 2014.
오영석, 윤상수, 이원오, 변준형, 이제욱, "Fabrication of Graphene/Gold Nano-hybrid for Effective Surface-enhanced Raman Scattering Platforms", 2014년 한국탄소학회 추계학술대회, 2014/11/05-06.


75. Sang-Su Yoon, Kang Eun Lee, Wonoh Lee, Joon-hyung Byun, Moon-Kwang Um, Jea Uk Lee*, “Preparation of Graphene/Ag Hybrid Fiber and its Application”, The Korean Carbon Society 2014 Fall Meeting, Jeonju, South Korea, Nov 05-06, 2014.
윤상수, 이강은, 이원오, 변준형, 엄문광, 이제욱, “Preparation of Graphene/Ag Hybrid Fiber and its Application”, 2014년 한국탄소학회 추계학술대회, 2014/11/05-06.


74. Jea Uk Lee*, Wonoh Lee, “Preparation of Highly Conductive and Flexible Graphene Hybrid Fibers and Its Applications”, The Polymer Society of Korea 2014 Fall Meeting, Jeju, South Korea, Oct 6-8, 2014, pp. 35.
이제욱, 이원오, “Preparation of Highly Conductive and Flexible Graphene Hybrid Fibers and Its Applications”, 2014년 한국고분자학회 추계학술대회, 2014/10/06-08, pp. 35.


73. Wonoh Lee*, “Mussel-inspired Catecholamine for Advanced Composite Materials”, The Polymer Society of Korea 2014 Fall Meeting, Jeju, South Korea, Oct 6-8, 2014, pp. 34.
이원오, “Mussel-inspired Catecholamine for Advanced Composite Materials”, 2014년 한국고분자학회 추계학술대회, 2014/10/06-08, pp. 34.
<Invited talk>


72. Sang-Su Yoon, Wonoh Lee, Joon-Hyung Byun, Jea Uk Lee*, “Fabrication of Graphene Oxide and Au nanoparticles hybrid material for surface-enhanced Raman scattering”, The Korean Society for Composite Materials Conference 2014 Spring, Daegu, South Korea, May 29-30, 2014, pp. 149-150.
윤상수, 이원오, 변준형, 이제욱, “그래핀옥사이드와 골드 나노입자 복합재 제조 및 표면증강라만분석법에의 응용”, 2014년 한국복합재료학회 춘계학술대회, 2014/05/29-30, pp. 149-150.


71. Hwa Jin Cha, Byung Mun Jung*, Wonoh Lee, Jea Uk Lee, Jin-Woo Yi, Sang-Bok Lee, Joon-hyung Byun, Byung-Sun Kim, “Preparation and Characterization of Graphene-magnetic Metal Particles for Electromagnetic Absorbing”, The Korean Society for Composite Materials Conference 2014 Spring, Daegu, South Korea, May 29-30, 2014, pp. 145-146.
차화진, 정병문, 이원오, 이제욱, 이진우, 이상복, 변준형, 김병선, “전자파 흡수용 그래핀 자성 금속입자의 제조 및 특성평가”, 2014년 한국복합재료학회 춘계학술대회, 2014/05/29-30, pp. 145-146.


70. Hee Jung Won, Jin-Woo Yi*, Wonoh Lee, Dong Gi Seong, Moon-Kwang Um, “Coating Effect of Phenoxy Resin on Pitch Carbon Fiber-reinforced Polyamide6/Polypropylene Composites”, The Korean Society for Composite Materials Conference 2014 Spring, Daegu, South Korea, May 29-30, 2014, pp. 141-142.
원희정, 이진우, 이원오, 성동기, 엄문광, “Pitch 탄소섬유강화 Polyamide6 및 Polypropylene 복합재의 탄소섬유에 대한 Phenoxy Resin 코팅 효과”, 2014년 한국복합재료학회 춘계학술대회, 2014/05/29-30, pp. 141-142.


69. Yu-Jin Lee, Nari Kim, Sang-Su Yoon, Youngseok Oh, Jea Uk Lee, Wonoh Lee*, “A Study on Image Analysis of Graphene Oxide using Optical Microscopy”, The Korean Society for Composite Materials Conference 2014 Spring, Daegu, South Korea, May 29-30, 2014, pp. 139-140.
이유진, 김나리, 윤상수, 오영석, 이제욱, 이원오, “광학 현미경을 이용한 산화 그래핀 이미지 분석 조건에 관한 연구”, 2014년 한국복합재료학회 춘계학술대회, 2014/05/29-30, pp. 139-140.


68. Jea Uk Lee*, Sang-Su Yoon, Wonoh Lee, Joon-Hyung Byun, “Functionalization of Graphene Oxide Sheets for Preparing Graphene Hybrid Materials”, The Korean Society for Composite Materials Conference 2014 Spring, Daegu, South Korea, May 29-30, 2014, pp. 37-38.
이제욱, 윤상수, 이원오, 변준형, “산화 그래핀의 표면 개질 및 이를 통한 그래핀 하이브리드 소재 제조”, 2014년 한국복합재료학회 춘계학술대회, 2014/05/29-30, pp. 37-38.


67. Wonoh Lee*, “Graphene-based Nanohybrids and Mussel-inspired Polydopamine for Advanced Composite Materials”, The Korean Society for Composite Materials Conference 2014 Spring, Daegu, South Korea, May 29-30, 2014, pp. 13-14.
이원오, “Graphene-based Nanohybrids and Mussel-inspired Polydopamine for Advanced Composite Materials”, 2014년 한국복합재료학회 춘계학술대회, 2014/05/29-30, pp. 13-14.
<Invited talk>


66. Jin-Woo Yi, Yu-Jin Lee, Sang-Bok Lee, Wonoh Lee, Moon-Kwang Um, “Composite Material Technology for Cryogenic Applications”, Materials Research Society of Korea 2014 Spring Meeting, Changwon, South Korea, May 15-16, 2014.
이진우, 이유진, 이상복, 이원오, 엄문광, “Composite Material Technology for Cryogenic Applications”, 2014년 한국재료학회 춘계학술대회, 2014/05/15-16.




65. Wonoh Lee*, “Graphene-based Nano-hybrids for Advanced Composite Materials”, KIMS Academy Workshop - The Korean Society for Composite Materials Conference 2013 Fall, Pusan, South Korea, Nov 21-22, 2013.
이원오, “Graphene-based Nano-hybrids for Advanced Composite Materials”, 2013년 한국복합재료학회 추계학술대회 – KIMS 아카데미 워크샵, 2013/11/21-22.
<Invited talk>


64. Eun Yong Seo, Eun Kyung Jeon, Eun Hee Lee, Wonoh Lee, Moon-Kwang Um, Byeong-Su Kim, “Mussel-inspired Green Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles on Graphene Oxide Nanosheets for Enhanced Catalytic Applications”, The Korean Society for Composite Materials Conference 2013 Fall, Pusan, South Korea, Nov 21-22, 2013, pp. 179-180.
서은용, 전은경, 이은희, 이원오, 엄문광, 김병수, “도파민을 이용한 은 나노입자/그래핀 복합체 제조 및 유기반응 촉매로의 특성 연구”, 2013년 한국복합재료학회 추계학술대회, 2013/11/21-22, pp. 179-180.


63. Shin O Kim, Dong-Gi Seong, Wonoh Lee, Sang-Bok Lee, Moon-Kwang Um*, Jin-Ho Choi, “Theoretical Study on the Swelling Behavior of Fiber Preform in VARTM”, The Korean Society for Composite Materials Conference 2013 Fall, Pusan, South Korea, Nov 21-22, 2013, pp. 173-174.
김신오, 성동기, 이원오, 이상복, 엄문광, 최진호, “VARTM 공정에서 섬유 팽창 거동 현상에 관한 이론적 연구”, 2013년 한국복합재료학회 추계학술대회, 2013/11/21-22, pp. 173-174.


62. Jong-Moo Ahn, Dong-Gi Seong*, Wonoh Lee, Moon-Kwang Um, Jin-Ho Choi, “A Study on Slip Behavior of Fiber Preform by High Speed Resin Flow in High Pressure Resin Transfer Molding”, The Korean Society for Composite Materials Conference 2013 Fall, Pusan, South Korea, Nov 21-22, 2013, pp. 77-79.
안종무, 성동기, 이원오, 엄문광, 최진호, “고압 RTM 공정에서 고속 수지 유동에 의한 섬유 보강재의 변형 거동에 관한 연구”, 2013년 한국복합재료학회 추계학술대회, 2013/11/21-22, pp. 77-79.


61. Jin-Woo Yi*, Hee Jung Won, Dong-Gi Seong, Wonoh Lee, Sang-Bok Lee, Moon-Kwang Um, “Impact Resistance and Thermal Expansion Behavior of PA/PPO Blends Reinforced with Pitch Carbon Fibers”, The Polymer Society of Korea 2013 Fall Meeting, Changwon, South Korea, Oct 10-11, 2013, pp. 38.
이진우, 원희정, 성동기, 이원오, 이상복, 엄문광, “Impact Resistance and Thermal Expansion Behavior of PA/PPO Blends Reinforced with Pitch Carbon Fibers”, 2013년 한국고분자학회 추계학술대회, 2013/10/10-11, pp. 38.


60. So-Young Kim, Wonoh Lee*, Jea Uk Lee, Byung Mun Jung, Jin-Woo Yi, Sang-Bok Lee, Joon-Hyung Byun, Byung-Sun Kim, “Interfacial Properties of Bio-inspired Polydopamine Coated Micron Fibers”, The Korean Society for Composite Materials Conference 2013 Spring, Seoul, South Korea, May 23, 2013, pp. 149-150.
김소영, 이원오, 이제욱, 정병문, 이진우, 이상복, 변준형, 김병선, “바이오 모방형 폴리도파민이 코팅된 마이크로 섬유의 계면 물성 평가”, 2013년 한국복합재료학회 춘계학술대회, 2013/05/23, pp. 149-150.


59. Hee-Jung Won, Jin-Woo Yi*, Sang-Bok Lee, Wonoh Lee, Dong Gi Seong, Moon-Kwang Um, “Effect of Fiber Orientation on Thermal Expansion Behavior of Short Carbon Fiber Reinforced Composites”, The Korean Society for Composite Materials Conference 2013 Spring, Seoul, South Korea, May 23, 2013, pp. 147-148.
원희정, 이진우, 이상복, 이원오, 성동기, 엄문광, “탄소단섬유 강화 복합재의 섬유 배향에 따른 열팽창 거동 분석”, 2013년 한국복합재료학회 춘계학술대회, 2013/05/23, pp. 147-148.


58. Jong-Moo Ahn, Wonoh Lee*, Chang-Su Ban, Sang-Bok Lee, Jin-Woo Yi, Moon-Kwang Um, Jin-Ho Choi, “Measurement of Thermal Conductivity of Composite at Cryogenic Temperature”, The Korean Society for Composite Materials Conference 2013 Spring, Seoul, South Korea, May 23, 2013, pp. 141-142.
안종무, 이원오, 반창수, 이상복, 이진우, 엄문광, 최진호, “극저온 하에서의 복합재료의 열전도도 측정”, 2013년 한국복합재료학회 춘계학술대회, 2013/05/23, pp. 141-142.


57. Sang-Su Yoon, Jea Uk Lee*, Wonoh Lee, Byung Mun Jung, Jin-Woo Yi, Sang-Bok Lee, Joon-Hyung Byun, Byung-Sun Kim, “Synthesis of Amine Functionalized Graphene/Gold Nanocomposites and their Electrochemical Characterization”, The Korean Society for Composite Materials Conference 2013 Spring, Seoul, South Korea, May 23, 2013, pp. 137-138.
윤상수, 이제욱, 이원오, 정병문, 이진우, 이상복, 변준형, 김병선, “아민 개질된 그래핀과 골드 나노복합재 제조 및 전기화학적 특성”, 2013년 한국복합재료학회 춘계학술대회, 2013/05/23, pp. 137-138.


56. Hwa-Jin Cha, Wonoh Lee*, Jea Uk Lee, Byung Mun Jung, Jin-Woo Yi, Sang-Bok Lee, Joon-Hyung Byun, Byung-Sun Kim, “CNT/graphene Hybrid Coated Carbon Fiber Composites by Electrophoretic Deposition”, The Korean Society for Composite Materials Conference 2013 Spring, Seoul, South Korea, May 23, 2013, pp. 135-136.
차화진, 이원오, 이제욱, 정병문, 이진우, 이상복, 변준형, 김병선, “전기영동법을 이용한 탄소나노튜브/그래핀 하이브리드 코팅 탄소섬유 복합재료”, 2013년 한국복합재료학회 춘계학술대회, 2013/05/23, pp. 135-136.


55. Yu-Jin Lee, Jin-Woo Yi*, Wonoh Lee, Sang-Bok Lee, Jong-Moo Ahn, Shin O Kim, Moon-Kwang Um, “Cryogenic Properties of Epoxy Resin with PDMS”, The Korean Society for Composite Materials Conference 2013 Spring, Seoul, South Korea, May 23, 2013, pp. 121-122.
이유진, 이진우, 이원오, 이상복, 안종무, 김신오, 엄문광, “Polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS)이 첨가된 에폭시 수지의 극저온 물성”, 2013년 한국복합재료학회 춘계학술대회, 2013/05/23, pp. 121-122.


54. Jea Uk Lee*, Wonoh Lee, Byung Mun Jung, Jin-Woo Yi, Sang-Bok Lee, Joon-Hyung Byun, Byung-Sun Kim, “Preparation of Amine Functionalized Graphene/gold Nanocomposite and Evaluation of their Electrochemical Properties”, The Korean Carbon Society 2013 Spring Meeting, Seoul, South Korea, May 09-10, 2013, pp. 220.
이제욱, 이원오, 정병문, 이진우, 이상복, 변준형, 김병선, “Preparation of Amine Functionalized Graphene/gold Nanocomposite and Evaluation of their Electrochemical Properties”, 2013년 한국탄소학회 춘계학술대회, 2013/05/09-10, pp. 220.





53. Jong-Moo Ahn, Wonoh Lee*, Moon-Kwang Um, Sang-Bok Lee, Jin-Woo Yi, Jin-Ho Choi, “Measurement of Hydrodynamic Friction Coefficient for Composite Liquid Molding Progress”, The Korean Society for Composite Materials Conference 2012 Fall, Seoul, South Korea, Nov 23, 2012, pp. 187-188.
안종무, 이원오, 엄문광, 이상복, 이진우, 최진호, “복합재 액상 성형을 위한 위한 수력학적 마찰계수의 측정”, 2012년 한국복합재료학회 추계학술대회, 2012/11/23, pp. 187-188.


52. So-Young Kim, Wonoh Lee*, Byung Mun Jung, Jea Uk Lee, Jin-Woo Yi, Sang-Bok Lee, Joon-Hyung Byun, Byung-Sun Kim, “Sintering-prevention of Polydopamine Coated Copper Particles using Salt-matrix Annealing Method”, The Korean Society for Composite Materials Conference 2012 Fall, Seoul, South Korea, Nov 23, 2012, pp. 169-170.
김소영, 이원오, 정병문, 이제욱, 이진우, 이상복, 변준형, 김병선, “Salt-matrix annealing을 이용한 폴리도파민 코팅 구리입자의 소결 방지”, 2012년 한국복합재료학회 추계학술대회, 2012/11/23, pp. 169-170.


51. Sang-Su Yoon, Jea Uk Lee*, Wonoh Lee, Jin-Woo Yi, Byung Mun Jung, Sang-Bok Lee, Byung-Sun Kim, Joon-Hyung Byun, “Synthesis of Graphene/gold Nanocomposites and their Electrochemical Propertiess”, The Korean Society for Composite Materials Conference 2012 Fall, Seoul, South Korea, Nov 23, 2012, pp. 160-161.
윤상수, 이제욱, 이원오, 이진우, 정병문, 이상복, 김병선, 변준형, “그래핀/골드 나노복합재의 합성 및 전기화학적 특성”, 2012년 한국복합재료학회 추계학술대회, 2012/11/23, pp. 160-161.


50. Yu-Jin Lee, Jin-Woo Yi, Wonoh Lee, Sang-Bok Lee, Moon-Kwang Um*, “Silane Effect of Shear Properties of Composites Reinforced with ZnO-coated Glass Fibers”, The Korean Society for Composite Materials Conference 2012 Fall, Seoul, South Korea, Nov 23, 2012, pp. 45-46.
이유진, 이진우, 이원오, 이상복, 엄문광, “ZnO nanowire가 성장된 유리섬유 복합재의 전단강도에 대한 실란효과연구”, 2012년 한국복합재료학회 추계학술대회, 2012/11/23, pp. 45-46.


49. Hee-Jung Won, Jin-Woo Yi*, Byung Mun Jung, Wonoh Lee, Sang-Bok Lee, Moon-Kwang Um, “Impact Resistance and Thermal Expansion Behavior PPO/PA Blends Reinforced with Pitch Carbon Fibers”, The Korean Society for Composite Materials Conference 2012 Fall, Seoul, South Korea, Nov 23, 2012, pp. 41-42.
원희정, 이진우, 정병문, 이원오, 이상복, 엄문광, “Pitch계 탄소섬유 강화 PPO/PA 블렌드의 충격강도 및 열팽창 거동”, 2012년 한국복합재료학회 추계학술대회, 2012/11/23, pp. 41-42.


48. Hyun-Sung Choi, Byung Mun Jung*, Sang-Bok Lee, Jin-Woo Yi, Joon-Hyung Byun, Wonoh Lee, Jea Uk Lee, “Preparation of TiO2 Nano Particles/Graphene Oxide (GO) Composites and their Photocatalytic Activities”, The Korean Society for Composite Materials Conference 2012 Fall, Seoul, South Korea, Nov 23, 2012, pp. 25-26.
최현성, 정병문, 이상복, 이진우, 변준형, 이원오, 이제욱, “결정성 TiO2 입자/산화그래핀 제조 및 광촉매 특성 평가”, 2012년 한국복합재료학회 추계학술대회, 2012/11/23, pp. 25-26.


47. Hwa-Jin Cha, Wonoh Lee*, Jea Uk Lee, Byung Mun Jung, Jin-Woo Yi, Sang-Bok Lee, Joon-Hyung Byun, Byung-Sun Kim, “Characterization of Graphene Coated Carbon Fiber Composites by Electrophoretic Deposition”, The Korean Society for Composite Materials Conference 2012 Fall, Seoul, South Korea, Nov 23, 2012, pp. 23-24.
차화진, 이원오, 이제욱, 정병문, 이진우, 이상복, 변준형, 김병선, “전기영동법을 이용한 그래핀 코팅 탄소섬유 복합재료의 특성평가”, 2012년 한국복합재료학회 추계학술대회, 2012/11/23, pp. 23-24.


46. Yu-Jin Lee, Jin-Woo Yi*, Wonoh Lee, Sang-Bok Lee, Shin O Kim, Moon-Kwang Um, “Shear Properties of Composites Reinforced with ZnO-coated Glass Fibers”, The Korean Society for Composite Materials Conference 2012 Spring, Sejong, South Korea, May 11, 2011, pp. 121-122.
이유진, 이진우, 이원오, 이상복, 김신오, 엄문광, "ZnO nanowire가 성장된 유리섬유 복합재의 전단 특성에 대한 연구", 춘계학술발표대회 논문집, 한국복합재료학회, 2012/05/11, pp. 121-122.


45. Byung Mun Jung*, Jea Uk Lee, Wonoh Lee, Joon-Hyung Byun, “Preparation of Diethylstilbestrol Imprinted Silica Particle and Their Recognition Properties”, The Korean Society for Composite Materials Conference 2012 Spring, Sejong, South Korea, May 11, 2011, pp. 119-120.
정병문, 이제욱, 이원오, 변준형, "분자각인된 유기-실리카 하이브리드 입자의 제조 및 분자인식 성능 측정", 춘계학술발표대회 논문집, 한국복합재료학회, 2012/05/11, pp. 119-120.


44. Hwa-Jin Cha, Jea Uk Lee*, Sang-Su Yoon, Wonoh Lee, Jin-Woo Yi, Byung Mun Jung, Sang-Bok Lee, Joon-Hyung Byun, Byung-Sun Kim, “Preparation of Corrosion-resistant Layer by Spin Coating of Graphene on Stainless Steel”, The Korean Society for Composite Materials Conference 2012 Spring, Sejong, South Korea, May 11, 2011, pp. 111-112.
차화진, 이제욱, 윤상수, 이원오, 이진우, 정병문, 이상복, 변준형, 김병선, "그래핀의 스핀 코팅을 이용한 스테인레스 강판의 부식 방지막 제조 연구", 춘계학술발표대회 논문집, 한국복합재료학회, 2012/05/11, pp. 111-112.


43. Jea Uk Lee*, Jin-Woo Yi, Wonoh Lee, Sang-Bok Lee, Byung Mun Jung, Joon-Hyung Byun, Byung-Sun Kim, Sang-Su Yoon, “Preparation of Gold Nanoparticle Graphene Composites from Edge-modified Graphene Sheets”, The Korean Society for Composite Materials Conference 2012 Spring, Sejong, South Korea, May 11, 2011, pp. 109-110.
이제욱, 이진우, 이원오, 이상복, 정병문, 변준형, 김병선, 윤상수, "그래핀의 말단 개질을 통한 골드/그래핀 복합체의 제조", 춘계학술발표대회 논문집, 한국복합재료학회, 2012/05/11, pp. 109-110.


42. Sang-Su Yoon, Jea Uk Lee*, Jin-Woo Yi, Wonoh Lee, Byung Mun Jung, Sang-Bok Lee, Byung-Sun Kim, Joon-Hyung Byun, “Fabrication and Characterization of Dopamine Functionalized Graphene Oxide Film”, The Korean Society for Composite Materials Conference 2012 Spring, Sejong, South Korea, May 11, 2011, pp. 107-108.
윤상수, 이제욱, 이진우, 이원오, 정병문, 이상복, 김병선, 변준형, "도파민이 화학 결합된 산화 그래핀 필름의 제조 및 특성", 춘계학술발표대회 논문집, 한국복합재료학회, 2012/05/11, pp. 107-108.


41. Shin O Kim, Yu-Jin Lee, Sang-Bok Lee, Jin-Woo Yi, Wonoh Lee, Moon-Kwang Um*, Jong-Saeng Kim, Chi-Hoon Choi, “A Study on Mechanical Property Dependence on Resin Cure in Glass Fiber/Bisphenol-A Epoxy Composite”, The Korean Society for Composite Materials Conference 2012 Spring, Sejong, South Korea, May 11, 2011, pp. 53-54.
김신오, 이유진, 이상복, 이진우, 이원오, 엄문광, 김종생, 최치훈, "비스페놀 A계 에폭시 수지의 경화도에 따른 유리섬유 복합재료 물성평가", 춘계학술발표대회 논문집, 한국복합재료학회, 2012/05/11, pp. 53-54.


40. Jong-Moo Ahn, Wonoh Lee*, Jin-Woo Yi, Sang-Bok Lee, Moon-Kwang Um, Hee-Jeong Won, Jin-Ho Choi, “Thermal Expansion Behavior of Carbon-based Particle Embedded PPO/PA Blend Composites at Cryogenic Temperature”, The Korean Society for Composite Materials Conference 2012 Spring, Sejong, South Korea, May 11, 2011, pp. 51-52.
안종무, 이원오, 이진우, 이상복, 엄문광, 원희정, 최진호, "탄소입자강화 PPO/PA 블렌드 복합재의 극저온 열팽창 거동", 춘계학술발표대회 논문집, 한국복합재료학회, 2012/05/11, pp. 51-52.


39. So-Young Kim, Wonoh Lee*, Jea Uk Lee, Byung Mun Jung, Jin-Woo Yi, Sang-Bok Lee, Joon-Hyung Byun, Byung-Sun Kim, “Interlaminar Shear Strength of Bio-inspired Polydopamine Coated Carbon Fiber Reinforced Composites”, The Korean Society for Composite Materials Conference 2012 Spring, Sejong, South Korea, May 11, 2011, pp. 47-48.
김소영, 이원오, 이제욱, 정병문, 이진우, 이상복, 변준형, 김병선, "바이오 모방형 폴리도파민이 코팅된 탄소섬유 강화 복합재료의 면내 전단 물성 평가", 춘계학술발표대회 논문집, 한국복합재료학회, 2012/05/11, pp. 47-48.


38. Hee-Bong Kim, Sang-Bok Lee*, Jin-Woo Yi, Wonoh Lee, Sang-Kwan Lee, Yang-Do Kim, “Fabrication and Characterization of Carbon Nano Fiber/AZ91 Composites Prepared by Liquid Pressing Process”, 2012 Spring Conference Abstracts of the Korean Institute of Metals and Materials, Hoengseong, South Korea, April 26-27, 2012.
김희봉, 이상복, 이진우, 이원오, 이상관, 김양도, "액상가압공정을 이용한 탄소나노섬유/AZ91 복합재료 제조 및 특성평가", 춘계학술대회 초록집, 대한금속재료학회, 2012/04/26-27.


37. Sang-Bok Lee*, Hee-Bong Kim, Jin-Woo Yi, Wonoh Lee, Sang-Kwan Lee, “Fabrication and Nano Carbons Reinforced Al Alloy Composites by Liquid Process”, 2012 Spring Conference Abstracts of the Korean Institute of Metals and Materials, Hoengseong, South Korea, April 26-27, 2012.
이상복, 김희봉, 이진우, 이원오, 이상관, "액상공정을 이용한 나노탄소 강화 알루미늄 복합재료 제조 및 특성평가", 춘계학술대회 초록집, 대한금속재료학회, 2012/04/26-27.





36. Jea Uk Lee*, Wonoh Lee, Jin Woo Yi, Sang Bok Lee, Joon-Hyung Byun, Byung-Sun Kim, Won Ho Jo, "Fabrication of Highly Transparent and Conductive Graphene Thin Film", The Korean Society for Composite Materials Conference 2011 Fall, Changwon, South Korea, Nov 18, 2011, pp. 181-182.
이제욱, 이원오, 이진우, 이상복, 변준형, 김병선, "높은 투과도와 전도도를 가진 그래핀 박막의 제조", 추계학술발표대회 논문집, 한국복합재료학회, 2011/11/18, pp. 181-182.


35. Sang-Su Yoon, Jea-Uk Lee*, Jin Woo Yi, Wonoh Lee, Sang Bok Lee, Byung-Sun Kim, Joon-Hyung Byun, "Preparation of Electrically Conductive Graphene Paper from Edge Modified Graphene Oxide", The Korean Society for Composite Materials Conference 2011 Fall, Changwon, South Korea, Nov 18, 2011, pp. 179-180.
윤상수, 이제욱, 이진우, 이원오, 이상복, 김병선, 변준형, "그래핀 옥사이드의 화학결합을 이용한 전도성 그래핀 페이퍼의 제조", 추계학술발표대회 논문집, 한국복합재료학회, 2011/11/18, pp. 179-180.


34. Wonoh Lee*, Jea Uk Lee, Jin-Woo Yi, Sang-Bok Lee, Joon-Hyung Byun, Byung-Sun Kim, "Thermal Reduction Improvement of Graphene Oxide Utilizing Bio-inspired Polydopamine", The Korean Society for Composite Materials Conference 2011 Fall, Changwon, South Korea, Nov 18, 2011, pp. 177-178.
이원오, 이제욱, 이진우, 이상복, 변준형, 김병선 "바이오 모방형 폴리도파민을 이용한 산화 그래핀의 열처리에 따른 환원성 향상 연구", 추계학술발표대회 논문집, 한국복합재료학회, 2011/11/18, pp. 177-178.


33. Yu Jin Lee, Jin Woo Yi*, Sang Bok Lee, Wonoh Lee, Chang-Su Ban, Moon-Kwang Um, "Effect of Tg of Epoxy Resin on the Cryogenic Thermal Expansion Coefficient", The Korean Society for Composite Materials Conference 2011 Fall, Changwon, South Korea, Nov 18, 2011, pp. 59-60.
이유진, 이진우, 이상복, 이원오, 반창수, 엄문광 "에폭시 수지 유리전이온도의 극저온 열팽창계수에 대한 영향 연구", 추계학술발표대회 논문집, 한국복합재료학회, 2011/11/18, pp. 59-60.


32. Chang-Su Ban, Eun-Young Jun, Jin-Woo Yi*, Sang-Bok Lee, Wonoh Lee, Moon-Kwang Um, "A Study on the Morphology Control of PDMS in Epoxy Resin Blend for the Improvement of the Low Temperature Properties", The Korean Society for Composite Materials Conference 2011 Spring, Gumi, South Korea, May 13, 2011, pp. 159-160.
반창수, 전은영, 이진우, 이상복, 이원오, 엄문광 "고분자 에폭시 수지의 저온 물성 향상을 위한 PDMS의 형상 제어에 관한 연구", 춘계학술발표대회 논문집, 한국복합재료학회, 2011/05/13, pp. 159-160.


31. Wonoh Lee*, Jea Uk Lee, Chae-Young Oh, Jin-Woo Yi, Sang-Bok Lee, Joon-Hyung Byun, "Fabrication of Bio-inspired Adhesive Dopamine Coated Graphene Paper", The Korean Society for Composite Materials Conference 2011 Spring, Gumi, South Korea, May 13, 2011, pp. 107-108.
이원오, 이제욱, 오채영, 이진우, 이상복, 변준형, "바이오 모방형 접창성 도파민이 코팅된 그래핀 페이퍼의 제조", 춘계학술발표대회 논문집, 한국복합재료학회, 2011/05/13, pp. 107-108.


30. Jea Uk Lee*, Won Ho Jo, Wonoh Lee, Joon-Hyung Byun, "Preparation and Characterization of Water-soluble Polyaniline/carbon Nano Composites", The Korean Society for Composite Materials Conference 2011 Spring, Gumi, South Korea, May 13, 2011, pp. 81-82.
이제욱, 조원호, 이원오, 변준형 "수용성 폴리아닐린/탄소 나노 복합재료의 제조 및 물성분석", 춘계학술발표대회 논문집, 한국복합재료학회, 2011/05/13, pp. 81-82.


29. Jae-Hoon Jung, Sang-Bok Lee, Wonoh Lee, Jin-Woo Yi, Moon-Kwang Um*, "Effect of Stitching Direction on Mechanical Properties of Biaxial Glass Fiber Composites", The Korean Society for Composite Materials Conference 2011 Spring, Gumi, South Korea, May 13, 2011, pp. 41-42.
정재훈, 이상복, 이원오, 이진우, 엄문광 "스티칭 방향에 따른 2축 유리섬유 복합재료의 기계적 물성 변화", 춘계학술발표대회 논문집, 한국복합재료학회, 2011/05/13, pp. 41-42.


2010 -


28. Chang-Su Ban, Wonoh Lee*, Sang-Bok Lee, Jin-Woo Yi, Moon-Kwang Um, "Thermal Expansion Properties of Polymer Nanocomposites by Aspect Ratio of CNT at Cryogenic Temperature", The Korean Society for Composite Materials Conference 2010 Fall, Seoul, South Korea, Oct 22, 2010, pp. 290-293.
반창수, 이원오, 이상복, 엄문광 "극저온 환경에서 탄소나노튜브 형상비에 따른 고분자 나노 복합재의 열팽창 물성", 추계학술발표대회 논문집, 한국복합재료학회, 2010/10/22, pp. 290-293.


27. Bo-Hwa Jeong, Jin-Woo Yi*, Sang-Bok Lee, Wonoh Lee, Moon-Kwang Um, "Effect of Compatibility of Polydimethylsiloxane on Low Temperature Properties of Epoxy Resin", The Korean Society for Composite Materials Conference 2010 Fall, Seoul, South Korea, Oct 22, 2010, pp. 217-221.
정보화, 이진우, 이상복, 이원오, 엄문광 "Polydimethylsiloxane의 상용성이 에폭시 수지의 저온 물성에 미치는 영향", 추계학술발표대회 논문집, 한국복합재료학회, 2010/10/22, pp. 217-221.


26. Jae-Hoon Jung, Wonoh Lee*, Sang-Bok Lee, Jin-Woo Yi, Moon-Kwang Um, "Anisotropic Thermal Expansion Behavior of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Composites at Cryogenic Temperature", The Korean Society for Composite Materials Conference 2010 Fall, Seoul, South Korea, Oct 22, 2010, pp. 71-74.
정재훈, 이원오, 이상복, 이진우 엄문광 "극저온 하에서의 탄소섬유강화 복합재료 열팽창 계수의 비등방성에 관한 연구", 추계학술발표대회 논문집, 한국복합재료학회, 2010/10/22, pp. 71-74.


25. Chang-Su Ban, Wonoh Lee*, Sang-Bok Lee, Moon-Kwang Um, "Prediction of Thermal Expansion using Inverse FE analysis for FRP Composites at Low Temperature", The Korean Society for Composite Materials Conference 2010 Spring, Jeonju, South Korea, May 7, 2010, pp. 3-6.
반창수, 이원오, 이상복, 엄문광 "유한요소 역해석법을 이용한 저온 환경에서의 섬유강화복합재료의 열팽창 거동 예측", 춘계학술발표대회 논문집, 한국복합재료학회, 2010/05/07, pp. 3-6.


24. Jae-Hoon Jung, Wonoh Lee*, Sang-Bok Lee, Moon-Kwang Um, "Early Tensile Failure of Epoxy Resin by Strain Gage Adhesive at Low Temperature", The Korean Society for Composite Materials Conference 2010 Spring, Jeonju, South Korea, May 7, 2010, pp. 110-113.
정재훈, 이원오, 이상복, 엄문광 "저온용 스트레인 게이지 접착제에 의한 에폭시 수지의 조기 인장 파단에 관한 연구", 춘계학술발표대회 논문집, 한국복합재료학회, 2010/05/07, pp. 110-113.


23. Bo-Hwa Jeong, Sang-Bok Lee*, Jin-Woo Yi, Wonoh Lee, Moon-Kwang Um, "Evaluation of dispersion in particle reinforced polymer composite using UV-visible spectroscopy", The Korean Society for Composite Materials Conference 2010 Spring, Jeonju, South Korea, May 7, 2010, pp. 269-274.
정보화, 이상복, 이진우, 이원오, 엄문광 "분광광도법을 이용한 입자 첨가 고분자 복합재료의 분산 평가", 춘계학술발표대회 논문집, 한국복합재료학회, 2010/05/07, pp. 269-274.


22. Oyoung Choi, Wonoh Lee, Jin-Woo Yi, Hak-Gu Lee, Jin-Bong Kim, Byung-Sun Kim, Joon-Hyung Byun*, "Characterization of CNT and CNF Reinforced Carbon Composites by Electrophoresis Deposition", The Korean Society for Composite Materials Conference 2010 Spring, Jeonju, South Korea, May 7, 2010, pp. 279-283.
최오영, 이원오, 이진우, 이학구, 김진봉, 김병선, 변준형 "전기영동법에 의한 탄소나노튜브(CNT) 및 탄소나노섬유(CNF) 강화 탄소섬유 하이브리드 복합재료의 특성", 춘계학술발표대회 논문집, 한국복합재료학회, 2010/05/07, pp. 279-283.


21. Byung-Kon Lee, Hak-Gu Lee, Sang-Bok Lee, Wonoh Lee, Jin-Woo Yi, Moon-Kwang Um, Byung-Sun Kim, Joon-Hyung Byun*, "Electrical and mechanical evaluation of CNT deposition on carbon fabrics using discharge flocking process", The Korean Society for Composite Materials Conference 2010 Spring, Jeonju, South Korea, May 7, 2010, pp. 308-312.
이병곤, 이학구, 이상복, 이원오, 이진우, 엄문광, 김병선, 변준형 "방전 플로킹 방식을 이용한 CNT 보강 탄소섬유 복합재료의 전기적 및 기계적 특성 평가", 춘계학술발표대회 논문집, 한국복합재료학회, 2010/05/07, pp. 308-312.


20. Wonoh Lee*, Sang-Bok Lee, Jin-Woo Yi, Joon-Hyung Byun, Moon-Kwang Um, "Electrical and Mechanical Properties of Cu/CNT/CNF Reinforced Hybrid Carbon Fabric Composites by Cathodic Electrophoretic Deposition", 2010 Spring Conference Abstracts of the Korean Institute of Metals and Materials, Hoengseong, South Korea, Apr 22-23, 2010, pp. 170
이원오, 이상복, 이진우, 변준형, 엄문광 "음극 전기영동법을 이용한 Cu/CNT/CNF 보강 하이브리드 탄소섬유 직물복합재료의 전기적/기계적 특성 평가", 춘계학술대회 초록집, 대한금속재료학회, 2010/04/22-23, pp. 170.


19. Sang-Bok Lee*, Wonoh Lee, Jin-Woo Yi, Sang-Kwan Lee, Joon-Hyung Byun, "Fabrication and Evaluation of CNT-Cu Hybrid Nano-particles Embedded Carbon Fiber Reinforced Composites", 2010 Spring Conference Abstracts of the Korean Institute of Metals and Materials, Hoengseong, South Korea, Apr 22-23, 2010, pp. 104
이상복, 이원오, 이진우, 이상관, 변준형 "CNT-Cu 복합 나노입자를 가지는 탄소섬유강화 복합재료 제조 및 특성평가", 춘계학술대회 초록집, 대한금속재료학회, 2010/04/22-23, pp. 104.


18. Jin-Woo Yi*, Bo-Hwa Jung, Wonoh Lee, Byung-Sun Hwang, Moon-Kwang Um, "Evaluation of Cryogenic Properties of Epoxy Resin with Organic/Inorganic Filler", The Korean Society for Composite Materials Conference 2009 Fall, Gongju, South Korea, Oct 23, 2009, pp. 121-124.
이진우, 정보화, 이원오, 황병선, 엄문광, "나노 유/무기 충전제가 첨가된 에폭시 수지의 극저온 물성 평가", 추계학술발표대회 논문집, 한국복합재료학회, 2009/10/23, pp. 121-124.


17. Wonoh Lee*, Chang-Su Ban, Jae-Hoon Jung, Jin-Woo Yi, Moon-Kwang Um, "CTE Modeling Based on Thermal Behavior of Elastic Modulus for Carbon/Epoxy Composites at Low Temperature", The Korean Society for Composite Materials Conference 2009 Fall, Gongju, South Korea, Oct 23, 2009, pp. 106-109.
이원오, 반창수, 정재훈, 이진우, 엄문광 "탄성 계수의 열거동을 고려한 저온 환경에서의 탄소섬유/에폭시 복합재료의 열팽창 계수 예측", 추계학술발표대회 논문집, 한국복합재료학회, 2009/10/23, pp. 106-109.


16. Wonoh Lee*, Jae-Hoon Jung, Chang-Su Ban, Jin-Woo Yi, Moon-Kwang Um, "Calibration of Strain Gage's Thermal Output for FRP composites at Cryogenic Temperature The Korean Society for Composite Materials Conference 2009 Fall, Gongju, South Korea, Oct 23, 2009, pp. 102-105.
이원오, 정재훈, 반창수, 이진우, 엄문광 "극저온용 섬유강화 고분자 복합재료의 스트레인 게이지 겉보기 변형률 보정에 관한 연구", 추계학술발표대회 논문집, 한국복합재료학회, 2009/10/23, pp. 102-105.


15. Jung-Hoon Jang, Jin-Woo Yi, Wonoh Lee, Hak-Gu Lee, Moon-Kwang Um, Byung-Sun Kim, Joon-Hyung Byun*, "Property evaluation of nanocomposites by aspect ratio of CNT", The Korean Society for Composite Materials Conference 2009 Fall, Gongju, South Korea, Oct 23, 2009, pp. 94-97.
장정훈, 이진우, 이원오, 이학구, 엄문광, 김병선, 변준형 "CNT 형상비에 따른 나노복합재의 물성평가", 추계학술발표대회 논문집, 한국복합재료학회, 2009/10/23, pp. 94-97.


14. Deok-Yun Kim, Jin-Woo Yi, Wonoh Lee, Byung-Sun Hwang, Joon-Hyung Byun, Moon-Kwang Um*, Won-Ho Kim, "A Comparative Study Of Film Type Composite Embedded Cu And Ni Micro-metal Fiber", The Korean Society for Composite Materials Conference 2009 Fall, Gongju, South Korea, Oct 23, 2009, pp. 90-93.
김덕윤, 이진우, 이원오, 황병선, 변준형, 엄문광, 김원호 "극미세 Cu, Ni 섬유를 포함한 필름형 복합재의 전기전도도 비교 연구", 추계학술발표대회 논문집, 한국복합재료학회, 2009/10/23, pp. 90-93.


13. Joon-Hyung Byun*, Oyoung Choi, Sang-Bok Lee, Wonoh Lee, Jin-Woo Yi, Moon-Kwang Um, "Effect of CNT deposition on electrical conductivity of carbon/epoxy multi-scale composites", The Korean Carbon Society 2009 Spring Meeting, Incheon, South Korea, May 7-8, 2009, pp. 29-30.
변준형, 최오영, 이상복, 이원오, 이진우, “Effect of CNT deposition on electrical conductivity of carbon/epoxy multi-scale composites”, 2009년 한국탄소학회 춘계학술대회, 2009/05/07-08, pp. 29-30.


12. Oyoung Choi, Sang-Bok Lee, Jin-Woo Yi, Wonoh Lee, Hak-Gu Lee, Joon-Hyung Byun*, Moon-Kwang Um, "Cu-CNT deposition on carbon fabrics using cathodic electrophoretic process", The Korean Society for Composite Materials Conference 2009 Spring, Daejeon, South Korea, May 1, 2009, pp. 322-325.
최오영, 이상복, 이진우, 이원오, 이학구, 변준형, 엄문광, "전기영동법을 이용한 Cu 및 CNT 보강 탄소섬유 복합재료의 전기적 및 기계적 특성", 춘계학술발표대회 논문집, 한국복합재료학회, 2009/05/01, pp. 322-325.


11. Jung-Hoon Jang, Jin-Woo Yi, Wonoh Lee, Hak-Gu Lee, Moon-Kwang Um, Byung-Sun Kim, Joon-Hyung Byun*, "Electrical characterization evaluation of B-stage resin films composites by added concentration of CNT", The Korean Society for Composite Materials Conference 2009 Spring, Daejeon, South Korea, May 1, 2009, pp. 318-321.
장정훈, 이진우, 이원오, 이학구, 엄문광, 김병선, 변준형, "B-stage 레진 필름 복합재료의 CNT 첨가함량에 따른 전기적 특성 평가", 춘계학술발표대회 논문집, 한국복합재료학회, 2009/05/01, pp. 318-321.


10. Wonoh Lee*, Jae-Hoon Jung, Bo-Hwa Jung, Jin-Woo Yi, Sang-Bok Lee and Moon-Kwang Um, "Weight reduction model of sea-island type PET microfibers", The Korean Society for Composite Materials Conference 2009 Spring, Daejeon, South Korea, May 1, 2009, pp. 306-309.
이원오, 정재훈, 정보화, 이진우, 이상복, 엄문광, "해도형 PET 초극세사의 감량 거동 모델", 춘계학술발표대회 논문집, 한국복합재료학회, 2009/05/01, pp. 306-309.


9. Jin-Woo Yi, Deok-Yun Kim, Wonoh Lee, Moon-Kwang Um*, Byung-Sun Hwang, "Electrical Conductivity of Hollow Micro-metal Fiber Embedded Composites", The Korean Society for Composite Materials Conference 2009 Spring, Daejeon, South Korea, May 1, 2009, pp. 256-259.
이진우, 김덕윤, 이원오, 엄문광, 황병선, "중공형 극미세 금속섬유를 포함한 복합재의 전기전도도 평가", 춘계학술발표대회 논문집, 한국복합재료학회, 2009/05/01, pp. 256-259.


8. Hyeon-Seong Choe, Jin-Woo Yi, Wonoh Lee, Sang-Kwan Lee, Joon-Hyung Byun*, "The preparation and characterization of CNT embedded B-stage resin films and composites based on different dispersion methods", The Korean Society for Composite Materials Conference 2008 Fall, Jeju, South Korea, Nov 6-7, 2008, pp. 243-246.
최현성, 이진우, 이원오, 이상관, 변준형, "CNT 분산법에 따른 B-stage 레진 필름 및 복합재료 제조와 특성 평가", 추계학술발표대회 논문집, 한국복합재료학회, 2008/11/6-7, pp. 243-246.


7. Wonoh Lee*, Joon-Hyung Byun, Jian Cao, "Non-orthogonal constitutive equation for woven fabric textile composites with conjoined tension and shear behaviors", The Korean Society for Composite Materials Conference 2008 Fall, Jeju, South Korea, Nov 6-7, 2008, pp. 123-126.
이원오, 변준형, Jian Cao, "비선형 인장-전단 거동을 고려한 직물복합재료의 비직교 구성방정식", 추계학술발표대회 논문집, 한국복합재료학회, 2008/11/6-7, pp. 123-126.


6. Taejoon Park, Wonoh Lee, Kyung-Hwan Chung, Junehyung Kim, Daeyong Kim, Chongmin Kim, Kazutaka Okamoto, Robert H. Wagoner, Kwansoo Chung*, "Springback prediction of friction stir welded DP590 sheet considering permanent softening behavior", The Korean Society for Technology of Plasticity Conference 2008 Fall, Jeju, South Korea, Oct 09-10, 2008, pp. 304-307.
박태준, 이원오, 정경환, 김준형, 김대용, K. Okamoto, R.H. Wagoner, 정관수, "영구 연화 거동을 고려한 마찰교반용접(FSW) 된 DP강 판재의 탄성 복원 예측", 추계학술발표대회 논문집, 한국소성가공학회, 2008/10/9-10, pp. 304-307.


5. Daeyong Kim*, Wonoh Lee, Junehyung Kim, Chongmin Kim, Kwansoo Chung, "Influence of anisotropy on formability in friction stir welded sheet", The Korean Society for Technology of Plasticity Conference 2008 Fall, Jeju, South Korea, Oct 09-10, 2008, pp. 301-303.
김대용, 이원오 김준형, Chongmin Kim, 정관수, "마찰교반용접 판재에 있어서 모재의 방향성이 성형성에 미치는 영향", 추계학술발표대회 논문집, 한국소성가공학회, 2008/10/9-10, pp. 301-303.


4. Sergei Alexandrov, Wonoh Lee, Kwansoo Chung*, "Plane-strain bending based on ideal flow theory", The Korean Society for Technology of Plasticity Conference 2004 Spring, Changwon, South Korea, May 13-14, 2004, pp. 233-236.
S. Alexandrov, 이원오, 정관수, "이상 유동 이론에서의 평면 변형 벤딩", 춘계학술발표대회 논문집, 한국소성가공학회, 2004/5/13-14, pp. 233-236.


3. Wonoh Lee, Kwansoo Chung*, Owen Richmond, "Nonsteady plane-strain ideal forming with elastic dead zone", The Korean Society for Technology of Plasticity Conference 2004 Spring, Changwon, South Korea, May 13-14, 2004, pp. 190-193.
이원오, 정관수, O. Richmond, "탄성 변형 영역을 고려한 비정상 평면 변형 이상 공정 이론", 춘계학술발표대회 논문집, 한국소성가공학회, 2004/5/13-14, pp. 190-193.


2. Wonoh Lee, Kwansoo Chung*, "Constitutive equations for three dimensional circular braided glass fiber reinforced composites using cell modeling method", The Korean Society for Composite Materials Conference 2003 Fall, Daejeon, South Korea, Oct 17, 2003, pp. 71-74.
이원오, 정관수, "셀 방법을 이용한 3차원 원형 브레이드 유리 섬유 강화 복합재료의 구성방정식", 추계학술발표대회 논문집, 한국복합재료학회, 2003/10/17, pp. 71-74.


1. Kwansoo Chung*, Wonoh Lee, Owen Richmond, "Non-steady ideal forming in plane strain", The Korean Society for Technology of Plasticity Conference 2002 Spring, Daegu, South Korea, May 9-10, 2002, pp. 66-69.
정관수, 이원오, O. Richmond, "평면변형하에서의 비정상 이상공정이론", 춘계학술대회 논문집, 한국소성가공학회, 2002/5/9, pp. 66-69.


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