Wonoh Lee, Ph.D.
Vice Dean of College of Engineering, Chonnam National University
Tel: +82-62-530-1682, 1603
Head, Center for Education & innovation in Future Vehicle Technology Convergence
Adjunct Professor, Department of Intelligent Mobility Convergence
Manager, Chassis Technology Lab., Automobile Research Center
Researcher, CNU Industrial Technology Research Institute
2001.03 - 2006.02 | Ph.D.
Materials Science and Engineering, Seoul National University, South Korea
Thesis: Nonsteady Ideal Bulk Forming in Plane-strain and Axi-symmetric Deformation
Advisor: Prof. Kwansoo Chung
1999.03 - 2001.02 | M.S.
Materials Science and Engineering, Seoul National University, South Korea
Thesis: General Orthogonal Coordinate System with Uniform Local Area
Advisor: Prof. Kwansoo Chung
1995.03 - 1999.02 | B.S.
Chemical Engineering, Seoul National University, South Korea
Work Experience
2024.08 - present | Vice Dean
College of Engineering, Chonnam National University, South Korea
2021.05 - 2024.07 | Chair
School of Mechanical Engineering, Chonnam National University, South Korea
2021.03 - present | Professor
Chonnam National University, South Korea
2019.12 - 2021.02 | Visiting Professor
Mechanical and Materials Engineering, Portland State University, OR, U.S.A.
Advisor: Prof. Sung Yi
2016.03 - 2021.02 | Associate Professor
Chonnam National University, South Korea
2008.07 - 2016.02 | Senior Researcher
Carbon Composites Department, Korea Institute of Materials Science (KIMS), South Korea
2014.03 - 2016.02 | Associate Professor
Advanced Materials Engineering, University of Science & Technology (UST), South Korea
2013.05 - 2013.06 | Visiting Scholar
Mechanical Engineering, University of Delaware, DE, U.S.A.
Advisor: Prof. Tsu-Wei Chou
2007.06 - 2007.09 | Visiting Researcher
Laboratoire de Mécanique des Contacts et des Structures (LaMCoS), INSA-Lyon, France
Advisor: Prof. Philippe Boisse
2006.10 - 2008.06 | Postdoctoral Researcher
Mechanical Engineering, Northwestern University, IL, U.S.A.
Advisor: Prof. Jian Cao
2006.03 - 2006.09 | Postdoctoral Researcher
Research Institute of Advanced Materials, Seoul National University, South Korea
Advisor: Prof. Kwansoo Chung
Award & Honor
2024.11 | Best Presentation Award (Two Prizes)
The Korean Society for Composite Materials (KSCM)
2023.11 | Best Presentation Award (Two Prizes)
The Korean Society for Composite Materials (KSCM)
2023.08 | Best Paper Award
The Korean Society for Mechanical Engineers (KSME) - Reliability Division 2023 Spring
2023.03 | Best Paper Award
The Korean Society for Mechanical Engineers (KSME) - 2022 Fall
2023.03 | Best Paper Award (Two Prizes)
The Korean Society for Mechanical Engineers (KSME) - Reliability Division 2022 Spring
2023.03 | Best Presentation Award
The Society of Adhesion and Interface, Korea (KSAI)
2022.11 | Best Presentation Award (1st and 2nd Prizes)
The Korean Society for Composite Materials (KSCM)
2022.06 | Service Excellence Award
2022.05 | Best Presentation Award (1st Prize)
The Korean Society for Composite Materials (KSCM)
2021.11 | Best Poster Award
The Korean Carbon Society (KCS)
2021.10 | KSME-SEMES Open Innovation Challenge Award (5th Prize)
The Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers (KSME)
2021.10 | Oral Award
2021.06 | Best Presentation Award (1st Prize)
The Korean Society for Composite Materials (KSCM)
2019.04 | Best Presentation Award (1st Prize)
The Korean Society for Composite Materials (KSCM)
2018.11 | Docho Best Presentation Award
The Korean Society for Composite Materials (KSCM)
2018.11 | Best Poster Award
The Korean Carbon Society (KCS)
2015.06 | Best Presentation Award
The 31th International Conference of the Polymer Processing Society (PPS-31)
2013.11 | Best Presentation Award (1st Prize)
The Korean Society for Composite Materials (KSCM)
2011.11 | Young Scientist Award
The Korean Society for Composite Materials (KSCM)
2011.05 | Best Presentation Award (2nd Prize)
The Korean Society for Composite Materials (KSCM)
2010.05 | Best Presentation Award (1st Place)
The Korean Society for Composite Materials (KSCM)
Professional Membership
2023.01 - Present | General Affair Director
The Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers (KSME)
2023.01 - Present | Board Member
The Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers (KSME)
2023.01 - 2024.12 | Chair of Carbon & Fiber Division
The Korean Society for Composite Materials (KSCM)
2023.01 - Present | Editorial Director
The Society of Adhesion & Interface, Korea (SAIK)
2023.01 - Present | Board Member
The Society of Adhesion & Interface, Korea (SAIK)
2022.01 - 2022.12 | Academic Director of Carbon & Fiber Division
The Korean Society for Composite Materials (KSCM)
2020.01 - Present | General Director of Reliability Engineering Division
The Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers (KSME)
2019.01 - Present | Director of Information
The Korean Carbon Society (KCS)
2019.01 - Present | Director of International Corporation
The Korean Society for Composite Materials (KSCM)
2017.01 - Present | Board Member
The Korean Society for Composite Materials (KSCM)
2017.01 - Present | Board Member
The Korean Carbon Society (KCS)
2017.01 - 2019.12 | General Director of Carbon & Fiber Division
The Korean Society for Composite Materials (KSCM)
2014.01 - 2015.12 | Committee Member of Advanced Processing & Nano-technology Division
The Korean Society for Composite Materials (KSCM)
- American Chemical Society (ACS)
- Materials Research Society (MRS)
- Korean Fiber Society (KFS)
- Polymer Society of Korea (PSK)
- Korean Society of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry (KSIEC)
- Korean Society of Technology of Plasticity (KSTP)
- Korean Institute of Metals & Materials (KIM)
Journal Editorial Board
2024.01 - Present | Associate Editor
2020.12 - Present | Editor
2018.12 - Present | Editor
Functional Composites and Structures
2017.12 - Present | Editorial Board Member
Machinery/Automobile Research
2010.01 - 2011.12 | Editorial Board Member
Organizing Academic Committee
2023.11 | Organizing Committee
The 14th International Symposium on NDT in Aerospace (AeroNDT2023), Busan, South Korea
2018.10 | Program Committee
The 3rd International Workshop on Active Materials and Soft Mechatronics (AMSM2018), Daejeon, South Korea
2016.10 | Program Committee
The 10th Asian-Australasian Conference on Composite Materials (ACCM-10), Busan, South Korea
2011.08 | Publication Committee
The 8th International Conference and Workshop on Numerical Simulation of 3D Sheet Metal Forming Processes (NUMISHEET 2011), Seoul, South Korea
Technology Transfer
2024.02 | Knowhow Technology
Injection-Structure Coupled Numerical Analysis, Maru ENG.
2024.01 | Knowhow Technology
Interfacial Engineering using Polyaniline for Lithium Ion Batteries, TDL
2023.05 | Knowhow Technology
High-Temperature Sintering Processing of Aluminum Tubular Automotive Components, Howon
2023.02 | Knowhow Technology
Process Design for Injection Molding Flow Analysis in the Manufacturing of Composite Components for e-Mobility, CM-Tech
2023.02 | Knowhow Technology
Development of Prototype for Improvement of Van (Utility) Seat Frame Manufacturing Process, Gwangwoo R&A
2022.04 | Knowhow Technology
Development of Cost-effective System Modules Applicable to Autonomous Vehicles, Maru ENG.
2019.11 | Knowhow Technology
Injection Molding Analysis Technology for Glass Fiber Reinforced Composite Parts for Micro Mobility, Maru ENG.
Research Connection
ResearcherID: G-4067-2015
Loop profile: 285789
Scopus Author ID: 7407087284
Recent Technologies in Sheet Metal Forming for High Strength Metals
Gwangju Green Car Promotional Center - Gwangwoo R&A, Gwangju, South Korea, December 15, 2018.
Continuum Mechanics & Plasticity for Advanced Forming of Sheet Metals
Gwangju Green Car Promotional Center - Gwangwoo R&A, Gwangju, South Korea, December 08, 2018.
Structural & Functional Automotive Composite Materials
Korea Institute of Industrial Technology - Jeonbuk Regional Division, Jeonju, South Korea, August 17, 2018.
Mussel-inspired Catecholamine for Multi-functional Composites & Medical Applications
Parangsae Ophthalmic Clinic - MSC Research Center, Gwangju, South Korea, July 26, 2018.
Automotive Composite Materials & Thermoforming/Stamping Technologies
Dyetec Institute, Daegu, South Korea, June 22, 2018.
Continuum Mechanics & Plasticity for Advanced Forming of Structural Metals
Gwangju Green Car Promotional Center - Hyunsung Autotech, Gwangju, South Korea, June 04, 2018.
Advanced Forming Technologies for Structural Metal Sheets & Composite Materials
Korea Automotive Technology Institute - Gwangju-Jeonnam Division, Gwangju, South Korea, April 17, 2018.
Nano Carbon Hybrids & Mussel-inspired Catecholamine for Multi-functional Composites
Pusan National University, Pusan, South Korea, January 16, 2018.
Mussel-inspired Catecholamine for Multi-functional Composites
Seoul National University of Science & Technology, Seoul, South Korea, September 29, 2017.
Carbon-nanomaterials & Catecholamine for Advanced Composite Materials and Anodes of Rechargeable Battery
Korea Research Institute of Chemical Technology, Daejeon, South Korea, December 09, 2015.
Thermo-stamping (Press Compression Molding) Technology for Woven Fabric Composites
Korea Institute of Materials Science, Changwon, South Korea, December 03, 2015.
Carbon-nanomaterial based Wearable Electronic Devices and Energy Storage Applications
Korea University, Seoul, South Korea, October 27, 2015.
Carbon-nano Composites and Their Wearable Electronic Devices and Energy Storage Applications
Kyungpook National University, Daegu, South Korea, October 19, 2015.
Carbon-nano Hybrids and Their Wearable Electronic Devices and Energy Storage Applications
Jeonbuk National University, Jeonju, South Korea, September 09, 2015.
Graphene Hybrids & Mussel-inspired Catecholamine for Advanced Composite Materials
Sungkyunkwan University, Suwon, South Korea, October 24, 2014.
Carbon-nanomaterials & Mussel-inspired Catecholamine for Advanced Composite Materials
Seoul National University of Science & Technology, Seoul, South Korea, October 02, 2014.
Mussel-inspired Catecholamine for Advanced Composite Materials
Pukyoung National University, Busan, South Korea, August 04, 2014.
Researches on Carbon Nanomaterials at KIMS-CRC
Hanhwa Chemicals, Daejeon, South Korea, August 23, 2013.
Talk in Conference
Interface engineering for structural and functional composites using catecholamines and nanocarbons
The Society of Adhesion and Interface, Korea 2022 Annual Fall Symposium, Ansan, South Korea, Nov 17-18, 2022.
Catecholamine and Carbon-nano Hybrids for Advanced Composite Materials
The Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers Annual Meeting 2021, Gwangju, South Korea, Nov 03-06, 2021.
Catecholamine and Aramid Nanofibers for Advanced Composite Materials
The 46th Annual Meeting of the Carbon Society of Japan 2019, Okayama, Japan, Nov 28-30, 2019.
Catecholamine-based Composites for Energy Storage Applications
The Korean Society for Composite Materials Summer Workshop 2018, Jeju, South Korea, Aug 23-25, 2018.
Dopamine-mediated Graphene/silver Nanoparticle Hybrids for High-performance Electrochemical Electrodes
The Korean Society for Composite Materials Conference 2017 Fall, Daejeon, South Korea, Nov 23-24, 2017.
Mussel-inspired Dopamine-mediated Graphene/silver Nanoparticle Hybrids for Enhanced Electrical and Electrochemical Activities
The Korean Carbon Society Conference 2017 Fall, Daejeon, South Korea, Nov 16-17, 2017.
Carbon nanomaterial-based wire-type OFET devices & stretchable supercapacitors
The Korea Carbon Society Conference 2016 Fall, Incheon, South Korea, Nov 17-18, 2016.
Catecholamine nanocomposites and their applications for fiber-type energy devices
The Korean Fiber Society 2016 Fall Meeting, Busan, South Korea, Nov 3-4, 2016.
Catecholamine-based wire-type supercapacitors
The Korean Society of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Fall Meeting, Jeju, South Korea, Oct 26-28, 2016.
Polydopamine-assisted high performance stretchable wire-type supercapacitor
The Korea Carbon Society Winter School 2016 - Young Scientist Forum, Muju, South Korea, Feb 14-16, 2016.
Carbon-nano composites and their wearable electronic devices and energy storage applications
The Korean Ceramic Society Conference 2015 Fall, Incheon, South Korea, November 4-6. 2015.
Carbon-nanomaterial based Macroscopic Fiber and its Electronic Device and Energy Storage Applications
The Korean Fiber Society 2015 Spring Meeting, Seoul, South Korea, April 23-24, 2015.
Mussel-inspired Catecholamine for Advanced Composite Materials
The Polymer Society of Korea 2014 Fall Meeting, Jeju, South Korea, Oct 6-8, 2014.
Graphene-based Nanohybrids and Mussel-inspired Polydopamine for Advanced Composite Materials
The Korean Society for Composite Materials Conference 2014 Spring, Daegu, South Korea, May 29-30, 2014.
Graphene-based Nano-hybrids for Advanced Composite Materials
KIMS Academy Workshop - The Korean Society for Composite Materials Conference 2013 Fall, Pusan, South Korea, November 21-22, 2013.
Wet-process Based Graphene Research Activities at KIMS
HKTCC-Korea Joint Symposium 2012, in Budapest, Hungary, November 27-29, 2012.
Graduate Course
Continuum Plasticity
Fall 2021, Fall 2018
Spring 2025, Fall 2019, Fall 2017
Advanced Composite Materials
Spring 2018, Fall 2016
Finite Element Method - Plasticity
Fall 2016
Undergraduate Course
Engineering Statics
Fall 2019
Materials Science & Engineering
Spring 2021, Spring 2019-2016
Solid Mechanics
Spring 2025-2021, Spring 2017
Advanced Solid Mechanics
Fall 2024-2021, Fall 2019-2016
Engineering Mathematics I
Fall 2018-2016
Engineering Mathematics II
Spring 2019-2018, Spring 2016
Capstone Design I
Fall 2024-2022, Fall 2019-2016
Capstone Design II
Spring 2025-2022, Spring 2019-2017
Mechanical Engineering Seminar
Spring 2024-2022
Mechanical Engineering Experiment
Spring 2024-2023
Career Plan & Self Understanding
Spring 2024-2022
Internship (Field Practicum) I
Summer 2024, Winter 2023, Winter 2022, Summer 2022, Winter 2021
Internship (Field Practicum) II
Summer 2023
Carbon Composite Materials I
Carbon Composite Materials II
Graphene Composites
Carbon-based Organic FET Devices
Carbon-based Energy Storage Devices